12|| You're Hiding Something

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{ Sakura's P.O.V }

A lot of the girls were tired from working at the flower shop all day. It was almost night, their parents started to pick them up. I would just wait in the flower shop with Ms. Yamanaka until she was ready to leave.

"Thank you, Sakura. I am so thankful you brung those girls here. With Ino gone a lot and Inoichi...well. It's just been hard lately. Ino is a grown woman now..and," she started to tear up and lower her head.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll always be here for you, you know that," I smiled and hoped she would stop crying.

"I know, and Thank you again. I just can't thank you enough."

"I will do anything for you don't worry. How about you go home earlier and I'll close up the store." I held her hand and have her, her bag.

"Oh, you are so sweet." She smiled and hugged me. I hugged back and sent her on her way. There was still one girl that wasn't picked up.

"Hey, is your mom coming soon?" I smiled and sat down next to her. She moved away from me and kept her head down. I was offended, but soon she ran out the door. I guess her parents showed up.

I stood up and watched her. He parents were outside. I smiled in relief. I grabbed the keys off the counter and Locked up. I couldn't wait to go home. I turned around and started to walk when I saw Ino and Naruto running. Naruto was dragging her mostly. I wondered what they were doing.

"Maybe I should follow them?" I shook my head. "No that would be weird." Then I looked at them again. "I just want to know what their doing harmless really."

I followed them a long even distance away, but close enough to still see where they were going. I heard Ino laughing.

"Naruto...I mean Lord Seventh where are you taking me?" She smiled and seemed so happy.

"Don't worry about it. Come on, we are going above the Hokage faces. Oh, and call me Naruto." I saw him smile really bright. Super bright like the way he looked at me when we were kids.

I stepped on something and it made a loud noise. Crap, I wasn't being a very good Ninja at all. They stopped running and looked back for a second. I hid well as they kept moving.

I knew where they were going so I could beat them there with a different route. I turned around and ran to the academy. I ran behind it and took the secret route children only knew about. I climbed up the Rock and jumped on top of the big mountain where the Kage faces were carved. I ran past Hashirama's face then Tobirama, then Hiruzen, then Minato, then Tsunade, then Kakashi, but when I got to Naruto I stopped.

Naruto and Ino were sitting down looking at the top of Naruto's face. There was really no where to hide. I was going to get caught if I didn't find a way down without getting caught.

I climbed down between Tsunade and Minato's face and stayed against the rock so they couldn't see me, but I could still hear them.

"So, why did you bring me up here, Naruto?" I wondered that too why didn't they finish work did they leave it all to Shikamaru?

"I just wanted to spend sometime with you." Naruto was such a softy. Maybe I didn't want to listen to their conversation.

"We were doing that when we were working."

"That was real work not actually spending time together and having fun."

"Well, I am glad you wanted to spend time with me." Ugh...both of them were being so lovey dovey. It was annoying. I am not going to do this anymore this was a dumb idea. I fell my foot slip and some rock fell.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now