18|| Coming Together

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{ Naruto's P.O.V }
"Naruto, we are on our way back.." I heard Ino's voice as I was standing next to the bed Sasuke and Hinata we in. "Yet, I mean to apologize for not completing the request." I shook my head.

"What didn't you complete?" I heard her sigh.

"We lost him as soon as we got here. I had the fear that that would happen and it did. I'm sorry." I stepped outside the room for a minute and took a deep breath.

"I thought this would happen, I just didn't think Hinata and Sasuke would be out at the time. Did you at least get some interesting information on him? If he wanted to kill anyone he could have already killed Hinata and Sakura and many more, he just keeps playing games and not coming at us directly." I sighed.

"I would rather we talk about this in person please understand that I am truly and deeply sorry." She cut the transmission.

"Why hasn't he killed anyone else?" I looked at the ceiling trying to picture the beautiful bright blue sky.

"Naruto.." I looked in front of me and noticed Mikoto, Sasuke's mother. I nodded as in to say she could speak. "Get Sasuke and Hinata to wake up, I know as a child you were very, expressive," what's that suppose to mean. "and your voice could be the little push they need to come back to reality."

I gestured for us to sit on the couch. I sat down and she followed. "I will do that, I can try but I can't say I have thought about it." She nodded and smiled.

"I love how much you looked like your mother," she stared at me and smiled. "I wish Sasuke looked like me more," I chuckled at the sight of Sasuke looking like a girl.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Did you get to meet her?" I nodded. "Fiery spirit Huh?" Thinking back to then I smiled and felt my eyes start to boil. "Oh, please don't cry."

"I'm not." I smiled. "Did you see her that day?"

"You mean your birthday?" She nodded and looked down. I really wanted to help Sasuke and Hinata but hearing about my mother was something I loved to do. I can not express how much I love her and wish I could have grown up knowing her.

"Yes, October 10th."

"On that day, I saw her before she left." She chuckled. "She asked me if it hurt to give birth, and with your big head I think it would."

"Hey!" I put my hand on my head and smiled thinking of my father. "I would never think you could be so mean."

"Well, the bigger the head the bigger the brain. Kushina always said that because kids use to tell her she had a big head and tomato red hair. Thought she wasn't that good at her studies."

"Well she told me that." We both laughed and smiled.

"After she left I went home and as soon as Kurama Attacked I knew what was going to happen. Kushina and Minato together nothing more than death meaning sacrifice." I looked down.

"Hmm, they both gave up their lives for me." She nodded.

"I would have done the same had it been Itachi or Sasuke. I could never go through the pain of having to put a demon in my child, and that is what really makes Kushina stronger than me."

"What is your power?" Before she said anything the door opened.

"Am I late? I wanted to come as soon as possible but with the caster in distress I didn't know exactly where to go." I looked over.

"Now I feel so lonely. Me being the only one without a mother coming back," I looked down as tears slowly fell from my face.

"Hana Hyūga, Hinata and Hanabi Hyūga's mother." Mikoto stood up and hugged her. "I feel like something is incomplete without Kushina and Mebuki."

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