28|| Final Chapter

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{ Hinata's P.O.V }

Its been seven years since we had reincarnated everyone and Haruki hasn't shown his face Sasuke thinks he is dead. I don't believe so. Haru and Sayori are going to be ready for the academy, but Sasuke has made them a lot stronger than they should be.

They already know jutsus at our level as soon as they could walk Sasuke had them trained, I helped some because they have the byakugan and sharingan. Every once in awhile they train with Naruto and Ino's kids.

"We did it. We did what the elders wanted." I smiled and Sasuke looked at me confused. "We had kids." I looked over at Haru and Sayori running in circles and figure eights past each other.

"You are right. I guess I couldn't have said it better, there are still questions from years ago that I still want to find out, but Haru and Sayori are my main concern now." He looked like he was about to smile but didn't.

"So you never told me what clan would be the only clan worthy enough to have with the Uchiha."

"Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! Mommy!" Sayori ran over and grabbed my hand and Haru grabbed Sasuke's hand. They grabbed our arms and pulled us around running with them. I started to run with them smiling and running around.

"Maybe another time yes love? Yes." He smiled and looked at Haru smiling. I couldn't help but smile seeing Sasuke with a smile on his face.

"Let's go!" Sayori yelled and smiled really brightly.

I mouthed I love you to Sasuke and he mouthed it back. I looked up at the Hokage faces and Ino, Naruto, Inojin, and Nagomi were looking down at us. Ino smiled as did Naruto. Nagomi and Inojin ran down the mountain sliding and yelling.

"Mommy come on." Sayori yelled as I swung in circles with her holding her hands. Naruto's children caught up to us and danced around with us.

Leaves blew across all of the land and my hair blew in the wind as I smiled looking at the the villagers joining in on our fun.

Naruto and Ino had came down to throw their kids in the air and catch them.

Sasuke was done dancing I couldn't see him. Then I was pulled from behind by my waist and brought on top of a house. "Hinata..Thank you, for it is the Hyūga clan good enough to have children with Uchiha." I smiled hearing those words.

I watched all the children below my friends and family dancing around with leaves blowing in their hair. This truly is the land of the leaves.

"No need for a thank you Sasuke it was my pleasure."

"You are my wife and the mother of my children, there is not enough words in the world for me to thank you," he smiled.

Haru was on another roof not having as much fun as I would like him to but he is only his fathers child. Sayori was dancing with Ino, Sakura, Tenten, and Nagomi Sasuke looked at the sky then Then I did I wondered if we were seeing the same thing. I saw Itachi and Neji looking down at everyone dancing along with Uchiha and Hyūga who died saving our Dōjutsu.

I felt Sasuke look at me. I looked back and him. "I saw Itachi and the others." He spoke quietly. I nodded kind of teary eyed.

"So did I." Haru had jumped over to our roof. He grabbed on our arms.

"I am sure Sayori wants us to join the fun." I nodded and Sasuke picked Haru up and jumped off the roof holding my hand. When we got down I grabbed Sayori and lifted her up smiling.

She giggled and looked behind me. Haru was looking at something behind Sasuke as well. I didn't know what it was, but I think I had a clue. Tears started to fall down my face as I laughed and spun Sayori around in the air. Dancing with Haru and Sasuke.

"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like sunless garden when the flowers are dead."


{ Naruto's P.O.V }

"Lord Seventh," I turned around to see and anbu Ninja from the sand.

"What is it?"

"It seems that our world has collided with another, there are people going by the names of the hokage, your adviors and friends. The look exactly like you and they wanted to see who was in charge here."

I didn't understand what he was saying he took me to the end of the land of fire. There were people that looked exactly like everyone and some weird kids.

"Hey dad there are two of you," a little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes pointed at me, while he was talk to, me?

"Boruto come here don't go over there," the woman who looked like Hinata pulled to children close to her the blonde and a little girl holding a sun flower.

There was a little girl with black hair and glasses standing by Sasuke and Sakura.

"I think you should stop the transformation jutsu," I crossed my arms.

"I think you should stop yours," the other Naruto spoke.

Who are these people? and why do they look like us? and why do they have these kids with them?

The End

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now