17|| Weight On Our Shoulders

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{ Ino's P.O.V }

Healing Akamaru reminded me when I took my test. Animals are a lot more complicated than humans. Kiba just keeps attacking that Senju guy without even thinking. He hits him every once in awhile but he doesn't really do much damage. He is just so blinded by Akamaru being down.

"Why do you keep runnning?" Kiba was yelling in frustration. One of Akamaru's legs started to move a bit. I was happy he was showing some signs of life.

"No point in fighting a person who is too flustered to fight." The Senju kept dodge Kiba's shots. Kiba tried to punch him and Senju grabbed his arm then gave him a shot to the chest. Kiba stumbled back and hung his head for a second. He was started to act more like the old Naruto.

"Kiba!" Choji yelled to him as he stood up. "Get it together," Kiba looked over at him. "I know this is a hard time but we have been through worse. I need you to calm down for a minute and think. You aren't fighting to win or help, you are just throwing punches. I am going to help you, because I know you are still powerful even without Akamaru."

Kiba lifted his head and gave a toothy grin. "I'm sorry, Ino, Choji. I put your lives in danger pointlessly. I realize that that was wrong and I am ready to fight now." He balled his fist and Choji stood next to him.

Akamaru whimpered a bit and I smiled, I had to keep healing him. His wound was already down so much. He could move a bit, but I don't think he could fight right away.

Kiba looked over at Akamaru and nodded his head. I don't know what that meant but Kiba was finally going to use his head.

"I don't have time for this pointless spirited away love." Senju broke the moment. "I'm assuming none of you have a Dōjutsu." He looked at all our eyes and he was right. The only people I knew with powerful Dōjustu was Hinata and Sasuke.

He teleported next to me and Akamaru and out his hand in Akamaru. He disappeared and Kiba ran over. "What did he do to Akamaru?"

I looked at Akamaru and shook my head. "Nothing. He is actually healed. Completely." Akamaru stood up and barked. Kiba hugged him and laughed.

"Welcome back boy!" He yelled and Akamaru rubbed against him. "Don't you ever leave me alright?" Akamaru barked and Kiba laughed. But why did Senju just leave he wasted so much time here. Why?
{ Haruki's P.O.V }

I teleported half way away from the prison. I had healed that dog so it would be fair, but it happened again. I got the wound I inflicted on him. I just kept bleeding and I couldn't heal myself.

The blood was covering my whole hand. I couldn't stop the blood. Why did this have to happen?


"Haruki!" My mom called to me and I ran in the house, she looked at my shirt and gasped. "What happened?!" She lifted up my shirt and I had a cut in my stomach.

"I fought this kid and he cut himself on something outside. When I touched him he healed instantly and I got his cut." She healed me and put me on the couch.

"How long have you been bleed?" She looked at the wound.

"Couples minutes." I didn't want to frighten her. I didn't mean to get hurt. I didn't even know what I did to him.

"Wait here." She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. She cut her hand and put it infront of me. I didn't know what to do. "Touch my hand." I listened to what she said and touched her hand. It healed instantly but I felt a pain in mine. I looked at my other hand and it was bleeding.

"What's wrong with his hand?" My father walked in the room.

"He has what your mother had." My father's eyes widen at the sound of my mother's words. What is wrong with me? Do I have a disease? Why do they looked so worried? "I cut my hand and when he touched it the cut was given to him."

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now