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{ Sasuke's P.O.V }

"Cheers!" Ino and Sakura yelled as everyone put there glasses together. There was a small clink. As I put my glass down I just stared at it.

"Naruto has become Hokage. The Seventh Hokage of Konoha!" Choji yelled as a congratulations.

Why the fool Naruto? Why him? How did he become so powerful? How did his parents do this? What made Naruto want to be like this? I thought to myself so many unanswered questions. I could feel someone staring at me as I staring at my glass.

"When are you gonna stop staring at me...Sakura?" I was still looking at my glass, still knowing her eyes widen because she thought I didn't know.

"Oh, Sorry Sasuke, just you haven't said anything to anyone. I didn't think you were feeling well." Sakura tried to smile as she said it, but didn't cause she knew I wouldn't look at her.

Before I could say anything to Sakura, Naruto had to be his loud self. "Sasuke is still the arrogant ass he has always been, don't pay attention to him Sakura." Then I waited, because moments like this are always so memorable.

Ino and Choji laughed and smiled as Shikamaru chuckled and they all said "Oh, Naruto." Then Shikamaru added. "Have you learned Nothing over these years?" Ino and Choji still laughing.

I smirked as Naruto stood up. "I have learned something. Look at me I am Hokage! I never gave up and will continue to never give up cause that is my Nido my ninja way! I told you all even if I was Genin all my life I would become Hokage!" Everyone went silent for a moment smiles went all around.

"You did it Naruto...I always believed in you" Hinata spoke in a soft voice as everyone looked at her and she blushed. Naruto picked her up and hugged her tight. "Thank you Hinata" Hinata turned really red and fainted just like when we were kids.

"Naruto you idiot!" Kiba stood up and yelled as Akamaru took Hinata. "You know she always does that when she is around you!"

"Kiba, Calm down, she will wake soon." Shino has always been so calm and I never known why.

"Maybe we should all head home now. Just cause the war is over doesnt mean life is." Sakura stood up. Everyone followed after.

"Kiba and I will take Hinata home." Shino said as They headed for the Hyuga Manor. Naruto shrugged put his hands in his pockets and walked away.

"Ino, Shikamaru, we should go get more barbeque." that was all Choji thought about. Shikmaru smirked and walked away as Ino grabbed Choji's ear and dragged him after Shikamaru.

Sakura looked at me hoping I would ask if she wanted me to walk her home. I didnt want to. "See you later Sakura." She stood there as I walked away from her. I could here get say quietly "Sasuke is Back"


-Next Morning-

I had gotten up earlier than usual to practice at training field four. I was punching one of the post back and forth with my right and left hand. Back at Konoha in the same place I started, training. Sakura and all the other girls drooling all over me. The guys all wanting to be me or to be able to beat me. I wonder what is going to be diff- My thoughts were interrupted by Hinata.

"Sasuke. Hi, I am sorry to bother you." She looked like she had something on her mind. "I wanted to know would you train with me. I usually am here alone, but I was wondering if this time you could help me. It is okay if you don't want to." I had nothing else better to do.

"I will train with you, we can do it here." I gestured her to walk to the middle of the field. We got to the middle and I asked her. "Are there any rules you want Hinata?" She shook her head.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now