19|| The Life I Want

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{ Sakura's P.O.V }
I walked to the house where Sasuke and Hinata are being kept. I wanted to check on them before I do my usual rounds.

"Itachi, Shisui." I waved and they waved back as I ran to them. "Sasuke in there?"

"Yeah, but he is still in the fainted state so no one is bothering him, we'll let you know as soon as he wakes up." Itachi smiled, but I don't want to wait.

"Do mind if I just go in now? I just want to make sure he is okay, then I'll be right out. I won't do anything out of turn." I smiled slightly and he nodded.

I ran inside and no one was in the living room I heard voices from a different room so I ran in there. I saw Naruto, Hinata's parents, and Sasuke's mother.

"What are you doing Sakura?" Naruto turned to me. I hope he wasn't mad about me coming but he knows how I feel about Sasuke.

"I care here to see Sasuke." I looked at Naruto but he had moved in front of Sasuke and Hinata so I couldn't see them. "Please, I just want to know he is okay." Naruto nodded and moved to the side. I looked and my eyes widened at the sight.

Sasuke and Hinata were holding hands. I ripped their hands apart as soon as possible. "Sakura!" I heard Naruto yell. I turned around and he was frowning.

"You stupid little girl how could you do something so reckless." Mikoto, Sasuke's mother was ready to hit me but I don't understand what I did wrong. I looked over at Hana and Hiashi. Hana was trying to keep Hiashi from killing me.

"I'm not stupid nor a little girl, and I don't understand what I did wrong, I just took there hands apart." I looked at Naruto and he just shook his head.

"We didn't move their hands because we thought maybe there was a connection to them by holding hands. I don't know why you would do that?" Naruto shrugged his shoulders. "Why?"

"I.." I put my head down I didn't want to give him my answer so I mumbled, "I didn't like it."

"Who are you to not like that they are holding hands?" Mikoto stepped closer to me. "Who are you to ruin the chance of my son waking up?"

"I'm Sakura Haruno, I have forever loved Sasuke and I know that holding here hand is not going to get him back. Sasuke is smarter than that," I looked at her.

"If you truly cared about him you would have asked questions before you acted." She gave me a stern look. "Hinata is a wonder full girl and part of the reason I'm standing here right now."

"We have never met and I don't expect you to understand, but I know Sasuke can make it back without her help," I tried to reason with her.

"And what of my daughter!" Hiashi interrupted Mikoto and I's conversation. "What if she doesn't wake up?"

"I know Hinata very well and so do you, you know she is strong enough to wake up and get back to us. It's not that I'm not worried about her, we just need.." I stopped because I didn't want to say we need Sasuke more.

"What do we need Sakura? We need Sasuke?" Naruto shugged his shoulders with his hands in his pockets. "I know that's what your thinking. I don't know that you were thinking before."

"I'm sorry, okay?" I looked back down and I wanted to cry. "I'm sorry. But you know how I feel about Sasuke and I was just so worried and then he was holding hands with Hinata, he left with Hinata he came back with Hinata, he fainted with Hinata, his family is with Hinata's, everything with him and Hinata. Sasuke and Hinata, Sasuke and Hinata. I do not like it."

"You are jealous." Hana and Mikoto spoke in unison.

"You are jealous of Hinata." Hana smiled and looked as if she was about to laugh. "I never knew Hinata had been so popular, she had always been a shy little girl."

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now