20|| Hyūga Clan

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{ Sakura's P.O.V }

"No, nothing wrong with Sasuke and Hinata," Itachi answered his father's question. I didn't know what to say and he wasn't saying anything to me.

"And you are?" He looked at me, crap. I wasn't going to just burst out yelling at him about Sasuke and Hinata. I didn't know what to say.

"Sakura.. Haruno." Once he got inside his wife was going to tell him everything that I had did and it was going to be a tragedy. Sasuke would hate me forever.

"Friend of Sasuke's?" Itachi's father looked at me but I didn't want to say anything more. I didn't want him mad at me as well as everyone else.

"Aren't you going to answer him, Sakura," Itachi stood in front of me and I shook my head. I wasn't going to say anything to hurt anymore of Sasuke's family.

"Cat must have her tongue, boy, don't worry about it. Alright?" Sasuke's father walked past me and didn't say anything more. I wanted to turn back and apologize for my actions but it was already to late.

Itachi walked past me and shook his head, I know he likes Hinata more than me, just like everyone else.

Of course, she is the head of a noble clan, has a powerful dojutsu and made up her own jutsu. I just copied from someone else. I bet if we fought, she would win.

I might have been stronger than her when we were kids but she has always been stronger than me emotionally, I guess as adults she has surpassed me.

"Sakura!" I looked back towards the house, Naruto had yelled my name probably to scold me again. I watched him run to me and looked at him.

"I don't want to be scolded any longer, now I just want to go home."

"Well you better be that fiery cherry blossom again because Sasuke woke up and it was probably because of what you did.

"What are you talking about?" He pointed at the house. Sasuke was carrying Hinata as his mom was pleading for them to stay.

"Sasuke told us a few fun things he did, but now he is awake, Hinata isn't and I know she will but Sasuke is taking her anyway. He wants everyone to place everyone he brought back in different parts of the village so he can continue his plan. He can exlpain it better but what I am trying to say, Thank you for Sasuke's sake." Naruto was about to turn around but stopped, "An if Hinata doesn't wake, I'll never forgive. I have a feeling neither will Sasuke."

I know Hinata is going to wake up, I know it.

Naruto turned around and said something to Sasuke he pointed to me and Sasuke looked away. I couldn't understand what was happening.

They both walked toward me, "Ino and the others are back," Sasuke started to explain, "So, I want to explain my plan to the rookie nine, but I want to do it somewhere less public."

"Awh, Sasuke has a heart calling us all the rookie nine again." Naruto laughed and slapped his back.

"I understand." I nodded. "I'll go get Ino-Shika-Cho, Kiba, and Shino." I ran off before they could say anything more. I was almost in tears watching Sasuke carry Hinata like they had just been married.

I knew Shikamaru and Shino were still home or working. I knew Ino, Kiba, and Choji had left.

I ran to the Hokage building, I knew Ino would report there and Shikamaru would probably be working there, so I can grab everyone but Shino.

Ino could get in touch with Sasuke and Naruto and tell her where to go so we can talk about this plan, I can make up everything to Sasuke by helping him with this plan. I ran inside the building and to Naruto's office and just as I thought I found everyone but Shino.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now