5|| Transformation Justu

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{ Haruki's P.O.V }

I had been standing outside this Hokage's Office listening to them laugh giggle and talk. I was getting annoyed. I was just about to walk away when I saw a person coming this way. As he was about to walk through the door I stopped him.

"Who are you?" He looked at me and smirked. This person is cocky.

"I should ask you the same thing because you obviously don't know who I am," he looked at the door then back at me. "Get out of my way," I didn't even flinch at his words. He seemed pissed about that.

"I am a guard of Lady Hinata and not giving any identity," I stood my ground. It felt sickening. Saying those words.

"Well then, I guess I should give my identity." He stood back a bit. What was with this dude. "Uchiha..." Before he could finish my eyes shot blood red. "Uchiha Sasuke," I wanted to rio his throat out right there. I just nodded and stood aside. He didn't look very strong.

I heard Hinata and Ino yell Sasuke. I clenched my fist. He is Uchiha. This cocky son of a bitch is Uchiha. I can't wait to rip his eyes out and destroy them. i think i will hold off on leaving, i might just stay for awhile. Only to watch over Lady Hinata of course.

The door opened from the inside and Hinata poked her head out. "Do you mind leaving everything is fine with me and Sasuke doesn't really trust you. Or at least stay out of sight. Please." i nodded. Sasuke deosnt trust me huh. Whatmakes me want to trust him.

I disappeared onto the top of the building and sat down watching everyone I could see in the village. There were young and old ninja and people everywhere. At stores and Shops and homes. The academy looked packed. I remeber when I was younger before the war.


I ran home as fast as i could trying to show my mom my test score. I ran in the house and found her in the kitchen. I sat at the table and put my paper on the table she looked away from the stove and at the paper.She picked it up and smiled

"Haruki, This is amazing. Did you cheat?" She looked over at the fridge wqith test scores and they were all zeros. i sucked in school and to now have the highest in the class was kinda surprising.

"No that is all my work and I past arent you proud of me mom," She nodded and smiled giving me a hug. i finally did good on a test father will be so happy. I can't wait to see him smile. He is going to pat me on the head and say I am proud of you just like mother.

-Later that day-

i was napping until i heard the door i quickly grabbed my test and ran to the door. "Dad! Dad!" i put the test to his face and he looked it over when I finally saw his face it wasnt a smile. he handed me back the paper.

"That isn't your work, We will meet with the academy teacher tomorrow to see if there was a mess up." he walked passed me and hugged my mom. i ripped up the paper and put it on the ground. No matter what i do i have always been the weakest the mess up.

"I guess I will never be good at anything huh," I walked upstairs leaving the pieces of paper on the ground. I didnt care what they did with it or had to say. I will never make them proud.

I went ot my room and laid down with my cover over my trying to sleep again but my father's words and face kept running through my head and it would not leave. I didn't eat dinner i didn't go back down stairs i spent the night tossing and turning in my bed. Not evening sleeping.


This is a wonderful village it doesn't Uchiha ruining it. I don't know when or how but Sasuke is going to be the first one to notice who I am and realize what I am doing here. I need to get rid of him before then. But how?

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now