2|| Lucky Advisor me

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{ Shikamaru's P.O.V }

"You having three Advisors, what will you do?" I was tired of just walking around the village with Naruto. It was tiring, and I am not one for work.

"I am going to protect the village and make the final decisions." He smiled and looked down. "And do a lot of things I promised to do long ago." He looked back up and smiled at me. I gave a slight smile back as we kept walking.

"Of course the final decision is yours, Lord Seventh." I think all of us felt kinda weird call Naruto Lord Seventh. He was Genin then just became Hokage even like he said. i believed him but never truly believed. I can barely understand how he still worked so hard after everthing that had happened.

"Why do all my friends keep calling me Lord Seventh when granny was Hokage pervy sage still called her Tsunade." He looked annoying and stupid as usual.

"I am sorry, Naruto. it is still hard for all of us to say that, if i may speak for them." I smirked a bit. Naruto could believe he was Hokage but he was happy over all, I just hope I can keep as safe as he kept all of us during the Fourth Shinobi War. "By the way, what did Ino want to talk about." he looked at me surprised.

"How do you know it was Ino?" I laughed as he gave a mean a weird how you know look.

"The only Yamanaka I know that makes you smile as big as you do is Ino. So, What she want?" I could see Naruto blush a bit across his nose. He wasn't good at hiding it.

"Something for Sasuke." He looked sad and mad at the same time.

"Sasuke...Well, I can tell you something Ino told me.. abiout you and Sasuke." He lighted up and smiled really big.

"What is it?!" he started to jump a little. I smiled.

"Calm down, Lord Seventh." He looked at me funny wondering why I called him Lord Seventh then saw the little kids that had ran past us. he sighed and smiled. i just nodded as he looked at the kids.

"Well, Are you gonna tell me or keep it a secret forever?" He looked at me with very much interest. I put my hands behind my back adn smiled.

"Well, Ino told Choji and I she only liked Sasuke when she was little cause he was lonely and cute she didn't truly like him. She only kept it going because she didn't want to tell Sakura she didn't actually like him." Naruto jaw dropped to the floor. i just smirked.

"What?! Wait! nevermind just go on. What about me?" He almost started to jump again.

"Well, she started to like you after she realized you were a good person and purdity made you better of course. But she was really happy that you had used all your strength and power to defend our dads honor." Naruto blushed and smiled as he looked at the ground. I rolled my eyes. The liked each other and didn't even know it because Sakura and Sasuke.

"That...That is amazing in every way possible." He looked back up at me. "Well then, I have something to tell you. I only went on saying I liked Sakura to make Sasuke jealous, but I that didn't work. Ino she...She is actually the girl I have loved all this time." I was shocked this time. He seemed so true to Sakura how could anyone have known.

"Naruto, Why didn't you tell some one? You are now Hokage and you can't get mixed up in love triangles like that again." I can't help but think Naruot his making a huge mistake and needs to fix everything with Hinata, Sakura, and Ino. Before everyone gets out of hand. He looked down again, shocked that I even cared.

"I don't plan on telling anyone else so as your Hokage, don't tell anyone not even Ino or Choji." He sounded so serious I just nodded hoping he would eventually tell Ino. Some little girls that I saw at the academy earlier came up to us and smiled really big.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now