21|| Our Present

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{ Haruki's P.O.V }

I finally got back to the village taking it all in, it had become and word that Sasuke woke up spread like wild fire, I didn't even know he was asleep.

Hinata is probably sleep, everyone would be more excited and probably looking for me if she was. So where is Sasuke hiding her. Heh.

My wound had stopped bleeding but it wasn't looking good for me I need medical care but I don't know how I could get it. Sitting on this roof was starting to get uncomfortable.

I pulled a necklace out of my pocket it had brown blood that had dried up from before, but now their was new blood on it. It was my blood, the old blood was my mom's.

"Is someone up there?" a woman had came from the house and looked at me. I sighed and jumped down. She looked at the blood and gasped.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving." I started to walk away when she grabbed my arm she must not have known who I was.

"I want to help you be you go, That looks like a nasty wound. Please come inside." I shook my arm away and kept walking.

"I don't want anyone's help." I put the necklace back in my pocket and put my head down.

I heard footsteps following me so I stopped. "I won't let you walk away, I am a medical nin. I just want to help you and then you can leave." I turned around I didn't even notice that she was Hyuga before.

"Fine, I'll let you help me then I am leaving." I walked inside the house sh ran in after me with a smile on her face. "Hurry up." I sat down.

"Yes of course," she ran and grabbed a rag. "I can't make the blood disappear," she giggled and looked at me hoping to get a smile.

The necklace fell from my pocket and she grabbed it. She was about to put the rag to it when I snatched it from her. I couldn't let her wipe the blood off.

"Don't clean that." She looked at me confused.

"Why not?" I sighed and sat up looking at the necklace, I don't even know why I am here and I have no reason to explain myself to her.

"Because I had it stained with my mother's blood." She looked at me her smile didn't change as if she understood what I wanted and meant.

"That's alright then, I didn't lose my parents at a young age but after Lady Hana died, I felt for Lady Hinata and Hanabi." She kept her smile, she knew Hinata? I don't understand.

"You know Hinata?" She giggled a bit and nodded.

"I was their care taker when they were young. My name is Natsu. I don't do much work for the main branch now that Hanabi has grown up."

"Well I should get going," I tried to stand it wasn't as easy as before this wound. She smiled and watched me fail on standing.

"Let me help you first I see you are in a rush." She started to heal my wound. I didn't know what to say Thank you for, she was forcibly helping me.

"Can I ask a question?" I sat up a bit as the pain started to fade but the wound was still there. I guess it was going to take awhile for her to heal what my gift had done.

"Of course."

"Where is Hinata now?" She looked at me and didn't say anything she must not know the answer. Or she wouldn't give it up to some stranger with a deep cut wound from a sword.

She sighed, "She ran away from the hideout for the Main Branch. It's said she is no longer at Lord Seventh's, so the last place to think she would be?" She sounded unsure.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now