7|| Konohagakure Kunoichi

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{ Sakura's P.O.V }

I just sat there staring at the half finished meals and messed up place settings. I never realized I was being kinda selfish. Now Hinata was missing and that was all they wanted to talk about. If I went missing no one would even care.

Why am I laying to myself everyone would care right? Right. I flipped the table and stood up dusting off my clothes.

"I am just going to help them and help them find her then everything can finally get back to normal." I sighed and walked out the field. Half the day has pretty much pasted and I spent so little of it with Naruto and Sasuke.

Maybe they will take another day to spend with me. I would really like that. Soon Naruto and Sasuke will understand me and see that I just want everything to be better than before I want everything to be how we always wanted it.

"I know who would know where she is, Kiba and Shino!" I ran out of the training field and towards Kiba's place.

If Hinata left or went anywhere the would know. I kept running and slide to try and stop after I saw Tenten. She noticed me and tried to stop too but we hit each other anyway.

"I am so sorry Sakura."

I smiled slightly and stood up dusting off my clothes. "Don't worry about it, but...Why were you running?" She looked down then up taking a deep breath.

"Hinata is missing I just heard from Shikamaru and Sasuke they were going to get team taka or something, I just want to find Hinata as soon as possible." She took another deep breath. "I feel like I have to protect Hinata with Neji gone, so if she were ever hurt I would be in tears," I tried to smile but couldn't.

"I see, well, do you know if Kiba and Shino know?"

"I would think they would know. But if you don't mind come with me. I don't have enough time to get Rock Lee." She smiled and I guess if she thinks they would know then they probably would.

"You do need at least one person with you," I looked down. I can't just leave her to go by herself. "I will go."

"Good lets go," she ran past me and I followed her. I care about others and watch everyone will see when I find Hinata and bring her back safe along with the help of Tenten.

We ran to the entrance and noticed Shikamaru and Sasuke were already so far ahead, Tenten said something about finding team taka.

We walked out of the village entrance and looked around for awhile no trace of her. "Tenten. why would she leave the village?"

"I don't know."

We both walk a little longer to see a sword in the ground and a log. "Some one must have been training." A person jumped out of the tree, it was Hinata's guard and he looked beat up. Tenten had her hand on her scroll looking at the cut up man.

"Aren't you Hinata's guard?" Tenten was standing a good distance away.

"Yes, I am sorry, I could not stop the person who took Hinata," he spoke softly.

"Why didn't he kill you? Why would he leave a witness?" I looked him up and down, then I realized it. This wasn't Hinata's guard. I ran at him about to kick him when he stopped the transformation and grabbed my leg throwing me back.

"All the Konohagakure Kunoichis are clever I see." He stood up straight and stared Tenten and I. "But I say you don't look as good as the other ones."

"What?!" Tenten and I spoke in unison.

"I can't wait to pound your head in." I put on my gloves and smiled wickedly.
{ Ino's P.O.V }

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