26|| R.I.P

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{ Haruki's P.O.V }

I am tired of love and care, kindness between everyone. That's why I stabbed her. I couldn't take it, "Now bleed and die Aimi!" I didn't notice what I said until Tarou looked at me questioning.

"You said Aimi," I looked at Sasuke and rolled my eyes, so what if I said her name she looks like Hinata. "Why did you say Aimi? Are you the reason she died when she kept say "Ha.. Ha." and we thought she was laughing was she trying to say you name?" Tarou was yelling.

"Hinata you're okay everything is going to be okay, Sakura!" Sasuke yelled and the girl came running right away. Her smiled faded when she looked at Hinata.

"Don't try and punch me," I sighed as she gave me an deviling eye.

"Sakura come help Hinata now," Sasuke sat down and laid Hinata over him. He loved her so much, for what possible reason.

"Answer me Haruki!" Tarou pulled out a sword on me. I put my figure on the sword and pushed it down.

"I'm no longer a genin unlike you," I kicked him in his face and he went flying. "I am no longer weaker than you Tarou!"

"You killed Aimi didn't you, you killed her!" Tarou kept yelling, I didn't kill Aimi.

"I didn't kill Aimi, she died trying to save me, she was saying my name because she wanted to make sure I was okay!" I yelled back at him.



"Ready to start?" Lord Second had his arms crossed we were at the entrance waiting for what seemed like forever of course we are ready.

"Yes we are ready," Aimi smiled really big.

"Let's go." Lord Second walked past the entrance. This was going to be boring. I can tell Tarou wouldn't like it.

"Why don't you two put some smiles on your faces? We are with Lord Second." Aimi punched Tarou and I in the arm.

"Don't touch me Aimi." Tarou gave her an Icy glare and not one of his usual nature. This one was colder than before.

"I'm sorry Aimi, just worried a little." I sighed and walked with my head down.

"I didn't put you on a team officially you were just the left over when I did make the teams so I want to observe you. I may have to split you up." Lord Second spoke to us.

"Split us up?" Tarou looked at him trying not to give him an evil eye.

"I don't think you fit well, and that's why I am having you do this." Lord Second didn't even look at us.

"Just because you don't like something I has to go away huh? You don't like Uchiha why haven't they completely disappeared." Tarou yelled at him.

Aimi wanted to say something but she was afraid and not just for herself. For all of us.

"I am working on that right now." Lord Second turned to face Tarou and gave him a dead look.

I looked up, there where anbu in the trees why hadn't Aimi said something.

"Lord Second!" I called our for him to turn around but I don't think he heard me.

Aimi and I were hit away from Lord Second and Tarou. I didn't even think they noticed. Aimi and I were sent flying over trees and crash falling.

"Haruki," Aimi called to me, I looked for her and I couldn't find her. She must have been hit further away from me.

I felt a shock in my back then a voice, "You want to kill Aimi and Tarou." I didn't know who it was but I did..

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now