15|| Wake Up

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{ Sasuke's P.O.V }

Where am I? Surrounded by death. I don't even know what's going on. Am I in Konoha or not? I got out of bed and I looked out the window there was just clouds. I felt arms wrap around me and I turned around quickly grabbed the person's wrist tightly. Squeezing I looked at the person as they whimpered. "...Hinata?" I let go and she looked at her wrist.

"Sasuke are you okay?" She looked at me worried. She want wearing her usual clothes she was in a casual outfit. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have surprised you like that. I didn't know when you would wake. I guess I got excited." She quietly laughed

"No it was my fault I'm sorry." I put my hand out and she took it pulling me into a hug she smiled.

"I came to get you for breakfast. Haru and Sayori are already awake." She pulled off my cloak and dusted off my clothes. "Come eat." She pulled me through the house to the kitchen. Their were pictures of me with kids and Hinata. I didn't know where I was I just remember trying to get home and fainting.

"Dad!" A little girl jumped into my arms and smiled laughing. The boy looked at me and looked away. "You are going to be late, hurry and eat." She jumped down and pulled me to the table.

"Morning father." The boy didn't even look at me.

"Haru don't use your Byakugan like that." Hinata spoke as she set a plate down in front of him. He nodded and started to eat.

"Are we going to train later?" He looked at me and slightly smiled. I looked at his eyes then the girls. They had Byakugan then one other eye. Did they have the Sharingan? I sat down at the table and the girl jumped on my lap. I looked at Hinata and she smiled and nodded.

"Er...yeah." Hinata set two plates down infront of me and Sayori started to eat with her hands.

"Sayori here." Hinata handed her chop sticks. I picked up the chop sticks next to me and started to eat. It started to rain and when I got up to look out the window there was actual land this time.

"Well that ruins my plans." Haru got up and walked away with his hands in his pockets.

"Sasuke would you go talk to Haru. His mood always seems to match the weather." She chuckled and picked up Sayori so she could finish her food.

"Yeah.. I guess." I didn't know what to do so I went to the boys room and sat down on his bed as he kicked a dummy that looked a lot like Naruto. "Where did you get that?" I smirked.

"You gave it to me." I looked at him and sighed. What is this? "I practice on it so much it, I would expect you to know."

"Oh." I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. I didn't know anything about this world yet I seemed like I belonged here. Looking around his room their were pictures of us and Hinata, little with the girl. Their was a picture of Itachi and I.

"You looking at that picture again." He stopped kicking the dummy and grabbed the picture he walked over to me and put it in my hands. "It was the very first raining day I remember. Mom said you didn't want to come back inside, so we stayed outside and splashed mud." I chuckled a bit.

"What about that one?" I looked at one that had Haru in the air but nothing was around him.

"I don't know if you can see it or not but Uncle Itachi is holding me." He pointed to what looked like an invisible person. I nodded. "You have seen these a million times before what is different about them now?" He took the picture form my hand and put it back.

"Well... Your dad.. has kind of lost his memory of what I am doing here." He looked at me and sighed.

"I see, I'm your son that was your wife my mother Hinata and that was your daughter my sister Sayori, I'm not surprised you forgot about us. Mom said you didn't really care for this village." I looked toward the door then back at him.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now