4|| Better Than Before

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{ Sakura's P.O.V }

"He didn't even look at me, pfft," I have never been the jealous type before but there is something different now. Like Naruto and Sasuke, I know they are different and stronger. Just, something about them has changed. Maybe I am just losing my mind. I kicked off my shoes after I walked inside. Then I thought for a minute. Ugh...I grab my shoes and put them together by the door.

"Maybe I should go help at the hospital?... No I am pretty sure they are fine without me," I walked to my room and laid on the bed. "Why wasn't I an advisor? Why did he pick Hinata?" I just stared at my ceiling. What am I suppose to do? Naruto is Hokage. Sasuke is an advisor same as Hinata and Shikamaru. Shino and Kiba have each other, and Akamaru. Choji and Ino have each other. Hmm.

"Sakura! Are you home?!" I heard my mom yelling all she wants me to do is chores. I creeped downstairs and grabbed my shoes. I ran out the door with my shoes in my hand. I really don't want to do chores. I kept running through the village frantically throwing on my shoes.

"Lord Kazekage should be leaving soon. I'll see him off." I started to run towards the entrance of the village. I got my shoes on fully now. I reached the entrance Kankuro was standing alone waiting while Temari talked to Shikamaru and Gaara to Naruto.

"Lord Kazekage, shouldn't you get going." I walked over by him and Naruto. Gaara nodded and put a hand on Naruto's shoulder then he walked over by Kankuro. Temari shrugged and walked over by her brothers.

"I apologize for us not being able to stay, but we will visit soon, and know that you can always can on us," she winked at Shikamaru. He put his hand behind his head and chuckled like always but this time was different. Temari turned quickly and blew him a kiss, he caught it with a fist in the air and opened his hand slowly. He put his hand by his heart. Naruto noticed as well.

"What was that about lazy bones?" Naruto chuckled and started to walk away Shikamaru followed him not saying anything. I watched the sand siblings for a moment then caught up to Naruto and Shikmaru.

"Naruto, I was thinking maybe team seven could get together like before," I smiled and so did he. He actually might care enough to do it. I knew Naruto hadn't changed. "I just thought maybe it would be nice to hang out together again." Shikamaru looked at the sky and didn't care as usual.

"That would be great so Sai, Yamato, and Kakashi Sensei are coming too." Naruto did his real bug cheesy smile. I didn't want Sau, Yamato and Kakashi Sensei to come. I wanted it to just be Sasuke, Naruto and I. Like during the Chunjn Exams us against everyone else. We had help but in the beginning it was just us.

"No I was think it could just be you, Sasuke and I. You know like old times," I smiled hoping he understood.

"Ah, I see, but that means Hinata and Shikamaru would have to pick up on more work for Sasuke and I." Shikamaru looked at Naruto. Oh now he is interested hearing his name. "Is that okay Shikamaru?" Naruto looked back at a him a with a slight smile.

"Yeah, of course Naruto after all you are...Lord Seventh," I hadn't been calling Naruto Lord Seventh as much as I should have I guess I should start.

"Cha! Yeah, I will go ask Sasuke," I ran off hoping Sasuke would agree to this, team seven like old times. I don't know where Sasuke went before but I think I know where he should be now, the training fields. I ran all the way to the training field Sasuke likes to stay at sometimes. I kept running until I noticed him and Hinata walking away from the fields, I skidded to a stop.

"Sasuke!" Hinata and Sasuke both looked over at me. I ran to them. "Sasuke I had an idea that maybe team seven could hang out sometime," I smiled. Hinata looked down and fiddled with her fingers like when we were younger. What was she doing with Sasuke anyway I don't remember them being friends. Maybe it was about being an advisor.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now