6|| Hinata's Missing

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{ Hinata's P.O.V }


Neji hit me in my heart, It is started to slow down and beat less. I have to keep going I have to keep moving to prove my strength. Naruto are you still watching. I will do it. I won't give up.



{ Ino's P.O.V }

"Shikamaru, I am going to go help Hinata now. We have done half you work everything should be fine now," he nodded and I ran out of Naruto's office and towards Hinata. She probably still has a lot of work.

I ran to her office and looked at the door. It is usually open she must be out. I will take the work she has finished and bring it to Naruto's office for her. I will take half of what she has left as well.

I opened up the door and grabbed the finished papers off the desk. I grabbed half of the unfinished and walked out closing the door behind me.

I ran back to Naruto's office and set the papers in the Shikamaru's piles. "Hey! Ino I have enough work as it is," he looked at me confused on why I would do that.

"Hinata wasn't in her office she must be out for a minute or two," I grabbed the finished pile and set them below the desk.

"How do you know she wasn't in Sasuke's office they did leave together."

"Because Sasuke left to spend time with Naruto and Sakura so she wouldn't stay there unless he said and he wouldn't." It was weird she would have said something if she was going to gone for more than an hour or so. So where was she. "Oh, I will use mind transmission." Shikamaru nodded.

I used mind transmission but I couldn't connect I couldn't find her. If she was anywhere near the village of in it I would be able to use it and catch her.

"I use it but I didn't get anything. She must be in the village so I am just losing it or did Hinata leave the village." I slammed my hands on the desk.

Shikamaru sighed, "Hinata wouldn't leave, Contact Naruto is she truly left she told him." I nodded.

I used mind transmission once again, "Naruto...Naruto," I spoke quietly trying to calm myself. I heard him shush Sakura.

"Ino, Did you want something?"

"Hinata is missing, I used my mind transmission to try and find he and I couldn't and this has never happened before." I started to take deep breaths then I was fine. "Naruto...Lord Seventh. Did Hinata tell you where she was going?"

"No, She did not."

"How could she be missing? It has literally been a couple of hours." That was Sasuke's voice him and Sakura must have connected to my transmission.

"I don't know she was leaving Naruto's office with you last time I saw her, same for Shikamaru," I looked over at Shikamaru and he nodded as in to say I was right.

"Maybe she went to the Hyūga secret safe hold,"

"Naruto if it is in Konoha then I can get to it," I was almost irritated.

"I wouldn't be to sure of yourself Ino." It was Sakura. I frowned something wasn't right and it seems as tho no one was listening to what I had to say.

"Ino calm down," Shikamaru started to go through papers again. As if he knew Hinata was okay and Where she went.

"Shikamaru and I will continue working, I guess she will be back later no?" I stopped the transmission before anyone could say anything and sat down moving my bangs. I sighed and sat down.

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