Chapter 18

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Same Day...

(Naruto's POV)

Sakura has been gone for about an hour now. People have been sent in groups to search for her and we have no information to go off of. All we know is that she's with a man in black that is stealing people for some unknown reason. See? Nothing! BUT, nothing  is still something. We just have to believe we can find her together. Believe that we can! But right now...I wasn't sent out. They thought it would be better if only little groups at a time would go so we don't get spotted as easily. But that isn't the only thing I'm worried about. Sasuke. He walked away with just a sentance...

"Am I fit enough to protect the village?"

And he left without warning. I just know where he did go. Some place I didn't expect. His old house. I didn't ever think he's go there again. Not after what happened there...the history. I ran toward the direction. "Sasuke?" I yelled. I looked around the dark area. Dust flying everywhere, broken glass on the ground. "SASUKE?" I yell again. That's when I heard crying. It was a faint noise but just enough to make out what it was. I walked into the darkest area of the house...the place they were murdered. His parents. He was in the corner, staring and the blood stained floor. Obviously completly dry now, but you can still see it clearly. Sasuke was huddled up in a ball, hiding his face with his knees. "Hey..." I walked over and sat next to him.

"I-...I'm not supposed to be here" he whispered.

"Sasuke, what are you talking about? You belong here, and you're fit to protect this place! You're a strong person, don't give up that pride..."

"I lost my pride a long time ago..." he lifted his head up, his eyes irritated.

"What do you mean...?" I ask. He sighed.

"When...this happened," he looked at the floor with the outlines of white where his parents once were. "My only motive was to get stronger and kill my brother. Which is where I still stand now. I still want him dead. Wouldn't you feel the same? If your own family member slaughtered your entire clan, wouldn't you have that same feeling?" he turned to me.

"I mean, if I did have family of course. have to learn to control anger. You can get strong yes but, sometimes it can be too much" he nodded.

"I know..." he leaned against me. "Are you sure of what you said? Am I okay to be here...?"

"Of course, now come on. We need you. We still to get Sakura back"

"Right..." We headed back to the others and we were immidetly assigned a group to head out. It was of me, Sasuke, Kakashi, Neji, and Guy. An odd group but we all were equaly strong by ourselves, but together! Aw man! Just think of it! We all gathered up, about to leave. Iruka and Kakashi talk for a few seconds and then he headed over Was something happening between them? Oh no...Would if

"Hey alright?" I asked. He simply nodded without a word. Yeah, something happened. We ran out into the forest, jumping smoothly from tree to tree. So many things happening in just a few weeks. Starting with seeing Sasuke again to ending with Sakura getting kidnapped. Now that's what I call an eventful life.

Noises were coming from all directions which got confusing. We couldn't tell if it was hostile or just some random bird. The good news was that this kept us alert. No one spoke, and all was quiet in the group.

We heard rustling up ahead and we froze. A dark figure slowly walked through the forest. We tried to get a closer look but all we could do was follow. It looked as if the figure was carrying something, something large. Could it be...?

(Kakashi's POV)

Everyone had eyes on the figure, and I think we all got the same idea. It's him alright. The figure stopped and dropped what we believe was Sakura to the ground. I dropped to the forest floor and silently grew nearer. The man was unaware of me being there...or so it seemed. The mans head flew upward and towards me. I hid behind a tree, doing my absolute best to be unseen. "Well...looks like some of you're friends came to rescue you." He laughed. A muffled sound came after. "Oh shush, we're almost to our destination. Lord Orochimaru...will be proud..."

Lord Orochimaru?! Are you serious...I thought we were done with him for a while. Ugh, this is exausting. But...I've always underestimated my opponets. Like when I was battling with Sakura and Naruto. Maybe this is the same...Maybe, just maybe, this opponent was strong. But I know I can be stronger. For Iruka...

I silently went around to find myself behind them. The man hadn't noticed this from what I could tell. I looked down, it was Sakura all right...I nudged her and she looked at me. She was sitting on her knees, hands and legs tied. I put a finger over my mouth signaling her to stay quiet. she nodded. She stayed still and I made an attempt to grab her. The figure turned around. "And just what do you think-" The man got flung accross the area, right into a tree. Naruto appeared in front of me. "Nice timing." I say.

"I learned from the best sensei!" He ran off and Sasuke followed. I untied Sakura and we ran towards the rest of the group. Neji dropped down to help and Guy went after the man in black. We ran off a little ways away to see if Sakura was alright.

"You good? Did he tell you anything?" She nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay. He didn't tell me anything...all I know is that he's with Orochimaru."

"That's all we know too." I sigh.

"Are you fit to fight?" Neji asked. She nodded.

"Always." We ran after the rest of the group thinking on what this man could be, who he could be. A member of the Akatsuki? Some stranger Orochimaru blinded with revenge and hatred towards a certain someone? Is it someone...I know? Is it someone I betrayed? An enemie?

Questions I can't wait to unravel once the enemie is in for a fight...
I...I finally finshed. Its 10:49...I'm tired and weird...GOODNIGHT! XD

Word Count: 1098

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