Chapter 16

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(Sasukes POV)

Same Night...

It hurt...the pain was everywhere. The room was bright but I felt alone in the dark. Naruto hadn't left my side. He has to deal with me. I feel like such a burden. He could be training and becoming stronger but instead he's here, taking care of me like some sick dog. I respect him for staying but...he just feels sorry. I love him's hard to believe he likes me back. We've been together for about a week. We were together in private resulting in people risking there lives for me. When I'm here, I'm nothing but trouble. No! Stop thinking down on yourself Sasuke. STOP IT! can't. My start to hyperventilate again. I open my eyes wide. "N-Naruto..." I sit up.

"You okay..?" I look him straight in the eye.

"Naruto..." he blinked in confusion.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Naruto...answer me truthfully..." he nodded " you love me?" His eyes widened. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me with a slightly stern look.

" could ask such a thing? I love you and you know that!"

"Do I?" Tears start falling. From both of us. Mine were more out there. I lean against him. "I don't know what's happening... doubting myself on every little thought I've ever had..ever little one..." I put my head against his chest and whispered.. "help me..." he hugged me tightly almost like he would never let go.

"Tell me what I can do.." he said.

"Stay.." and he didn't move. I wondered why they didn't start of visiting hours again. It was strange. Not even Tsunade came to check on me.

A light came from the bottom of e closed door and it was swung open. "Naruto...what.." Tsunade was out of breath.

"What's going on?" She explained how she busted open the hospital doors to get in. There was a report that a patient had escaped and all the workers had vanished. "So that's, that.."

"They just...vanished?" Naruto whispered. What could have done that? The patient that escaped?

"Who was the patient?" I asked her.

"...." she said nothing. She was in shock.

"I can tell you the patient wasn't dangerous...but, it was Kakashi" KAKASHI?!

"What happened to him?!" Naruto yelled.

"You didn't know?"

"How could get hurt so bad in just a day and a half?" Tsunade sighed.

"It's Kakashi, he goes on missions that are A ranked...all the time.."

"So, after he left...the workers were...gone?" She nodded.

"That's weird.." I said quietly.

"It is, but if a rogue ninja did this, it's almost like they waited for Kakashi to go away.." The Hokage thought.

"They they didn't know we were here, if they did I'd believe they'd come for us...depending on who they are" Naruto said. He's got a point. If they knew WE were here they'd wait until we left the next day. But why take the staff? The sound of running was coming from outside the room. Iruka showed up, also out of breath.

"Where is that idiot?" He sighed. "Honestly I should keep a bell on him or something..." Naruto chuckled.

"I've had some bad experiences with Kakashi having bells..." we laughed together.

"Yeah...but really. Strap him down! He just won't stay in the hospital..." Iruka face-palmed. Tsunade nodded.

"I know...he's probably at home, treating himself"

"You're probably right, but he can't treat himself...ugh, now I got to run all the way to his house.." and he left.

"Well, we got a matter on our hands. In about two days, would you two be willing to help out with this?" We nodded. "Good.." she started to walk out but before she stepped through the doorway she said, "Oh, and Sasuke?" I looked up to her. "Welcome back.." she smiled and disappeared. I had a warm feeling come over me after that night. Something I haven't felt in such a long time...


(Iruka's POV)

Stupid, stupid ninja...Kakashi never stays in one place for too long. He's probably out starting to a war by now. Ugh, he's such a child. Always having to have SOMEONE watch over him. Jeez...When I arrived at his house I just kicked down the door. I don't care if I woke the entire of Konoha, I was mad. "KAKASHI HATAKE!" He turned with a terrified look on the stool of his chair. I stomped over to him. "What the heck do you think you're doing here?" He sighed.

"You know I hate hospitals...and I can do this by myself"



"You have a broken arm and you're taking off the cast" he looked down. "Idiot.." I smiled. I grabbed new bandages out of his cabinet and slowly wrapped up his arm. "You need to go back, Tsunade has to fix this up with her jutsu" he sighed.

"Yeah, yeah.." After a few minutes, Kakashis arm was completely wrapped.

"What happened?" I asked him.


"Your arm" he shrugged.

"It's complicated..."

"Or is it a stupid reason that you're too embarrassed to tell me?" He laughed.

"You know I tell you everything.."

"I know, but I also know that there are things you DON'T tell me. Like how you broke your arm"

"You know me too well"

"I know you just enough" I feel like I'm the only ninja in the village that can get him to do anything. He only listens to me because he knows that if he disobeys me he'll probably die. Cause of death, me~. I'm scary, I know. But you gotta do what you gotta do. It's kinda weird having this much control over someone a lot stronger than me. "Go on, you need to sleep, I'll be back in the morning..and if you're not here, I'll do the honor knocking you out"

He tensed. "You're scary sometimes"

"Thank you~"

(Kakashi's POV)

Iruka had left me terrified. I better stay home. If I don't, I might die. Sadly, I must go back to the hospital tomorrow...ugh. I really hate it there. I've been there enough times in the past...Rin...Obito...Minato. They're all dead...My mother, my father. I have no family..The only person I have left that I'm afraid to Iruka. He made my life whole again. He opened my eyes into a new world. A world where I'm not blamed for my mistakes...even though...I should be. I killed Rin. Obito if dead. Minato...the ninetails. My father and mother...gone. Why do people trust me? Every time I get close to someone they...well...they die. No, will that happen to Iruka? Should I even be with him? He's in danger...he's in danger every time he's with me. I can't let this happen. I need to protect him..and they way to do to leave him. Leave him alone. He'll be so alone...again...

I'm so sorry Iruka.
I'm sad. Iehdudihwkaokdb, I can't. Get ready for a sad chapter.. 🥺 sad...sort of-

Word Count: 1193

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