Chapter 14

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(Reason I Am Sad: I'm watched A Silent Voice...😭)

(Still Naruto's POV)

I rising fear came over me. What if the pain doesn't stop? Will he be okay? My anxiety levels were off the charts. His breathing was still fast. His chest rising and falling with a raspy breath. The curse mark still burning like a flame. His sharingan peaking out of his half closed eyes. When will Sakura get back with Tsunade. Just as I thought that they appeared. There was no time to speak and Tsunade carried him away. I tried to follow but Sakura held me back. "Naruto, more people might cause him stress. Let him heal" I removed my arm from her grasp.

"I'll have you know that having be there was calming him" I could tell. Me being there strengthened him just a bit more. I ran after Tsunade. My heart was racing, I couldn't keep up. It also ached. I just wanted Sasuke to be okay. It's all I wanted. Please...I follow Tsunade into the hospital where he's taken into a room which I cannot enter. I sit outside the door, waiting for access. She doesn't know that he needs me in there.

I sat there for a couple of minutes and I heard the door open. "Naruto," I stood to face Lady Tsunade.

"Is he okay? Tell me he's okay!" I pleaded.

"Call down, now tell me. When he was with you, did you do something to lessen the pain?" I nodded. "What exactly did you do?"

"I...I just spoke to him. I just told him to breathe"

"Really, I tried talking to him and it did nothing" she turned into the room. "Come with me..." she ordered. We walked inside and he was there...on the table, stiffened with pain. I ran over to him and placed a hand on his face.

"Hey..." I whisper.

"...naruto" he calmed down a little. He held my hand.

"You feeling okay?" I ask.

"...mhm, stay with me..."

"Of course" he always wants me to stay with him. I don't mind it but, it seems like he keeps me near him so these type of things don't happen. There's something he isn't telling me...

"I don't understand, how are you doing that?" Tsunade asked.

"Doing what?"

"Calming him down. The curse marks glow has gone down as well. How?" She stood there with her hand on her chin, thinking.

"I don't know, maybe it's my voice? Or just me being here..." Sasuke was asleep but held my hand tighter. I smile. You're okay have me, I have you.

"If he stays like this he can be moved out of here and to a proper room" I nod.

An hour passes and Sasuke is still asleep. His grip on my hand loosened. It's time for me to take my leave. I get up and walk out of the room. Tsunade is talking to Sakura outside. "Naruto! Is he okay?" She asks.

"He's okay, Sakura. He's just sleeping" I say. She sighs in relief.

"I'll send Sakura to get you if something happens"

"Thank you.." I head home, I sure hope that when he wakes he'll be alright. What if he freaks out because I'm not there? Would if he leaves? What if-

"Naruto!" I turn..

"Bushy-brow...? Gaara?" Lee ran over to me while Gaara slowly walked behind him.

"How's it going?" He asked.

"Everything's...fine" I'm so confused right now.

"How is Sasuke doing?" What? Lee has never asked about him before.

"Uhm, he's doing good. He's just resting" he smiled.

"Well, seeya around!" He waved and left. Okay, that was the most awkward moment of my life. Whatever, I turn slowly to the direction I WAS going in. My question was why was the Kazekage here? No way, did he sneak out? The sun was starting to set and before I opened my door I realized the light was on. I pull out a kunai and get ready to fight. I open the door, it creaking by how slow I opened it. And there at the table was...

"Ino?!" I put the knife away. What the heck?

"I need to talk to you..." This is the last thing I need.

"I sure hope it's an apology" I say and sit at the table with her.

"That and something else.."

"Well, get on with it. I've got too much going on today.." she nodded.

"Okay, I'm truly sorry for what I did. I was angry and anger tends to take over. Second,...why was Sasuke here anyway?" She looked me dead in the eyes.

"Right, Sasuke. He was here because Lady Tsunade asked me to take care of him..also, I love him..." I say that last part quietly.

" what?"

"I said, I love him. And he loved me...he's going through some tough times and I'm the only one that can comfort him.." a tear came down her face.

"I...I...I don't understand..You're lying...How do you know he loves you? Did you hug?"

"Yes..." get ready for more questions..

"Hold hands?!"

"You saw us yesterday"

"....k-ki.." she couldn't finish, but I knew what she was gonna say.

"Yeah..." I blush.

"I don't believe it.."

"You can ask Sasuke when he wakes up, he'll say the same. Now, please leave" I got up and went to bedroom. I heard the door close. "Thank goodness she's gone.." I bury my face in my pillow. Is this what gonna happen all the time? When will this nightmare end? Will it? Will she mature and realize that she needs to except the fact that things won't always go her way...These won't be answered until the future reveals itself.

(Quick question: Is anyone else's Wattpad messed up? I can't edit this story unless I go through that pencil/edit tool at the bottom. If I go through my profile an error occurs, did this happen to anyone else?)

Word Count: 1003

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