Chapter 17

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(LOTS of dialogue, I don't know why it just happened lol)

The Next Day...

(Kakashi's POV)

I couldn't, I just kept thinking about...Iruka. Iruka Umino, the man who's soul I would crush today...I But it's no different then usual. I always feel that way. On the outside, I'm a guy who keeps quiet and almost looks happy to be around people. But it's a complete lie. I'm one loves me. How could they, how could he? I'm a fraud. A disappointment. I..DON'T. MATTER. I shouldn't even be here. What's the point of my existence? Why am I a teacher? A Sensei? I'm teaching them to make the SAME mistakes I did...Iruka, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke. All of them I care about and all of them I'm danger. What am I supposed to to do...Without them I'll be lonely..but I fought through that before. It's not like I can't do it again. Then, the sound of regret answered my door. A open door..and the ninja I love walking through my door. "Hey Kakashi! How's the arm?" The sweet sound of his voice was drowned in the thoughts of agony.

"Iruka..." I threw myself onto one of the stools in my small kitchen. I felt a tear come down my face.

"'Kashi...what's going on?" I looked into his empathetic eyes with a struggle.

"I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"I can't be with you..." the glow in eyes turned dull. Pain in those brown eyes was so great.

"Wha-what are talking about?"

More tears fell. "I'm putting you in too much can't stay with me. I'm sorry..." there was mixed emotions behind his expression. Sadness...and anger. But not too much.

"Kakashi, no your not. What sort of thing would make you thing tha-"

"You don't understand, the longer you stat here the more danger you're in! Everyone that I've every truly cared about back then...died. And I don't want you to..." Iruka pulled be in for a hug.

"So you think that the only reason those people died...was for you?"

"No! Rin died because I killed her...I DID IT"

"You couldn't changed the outcome. Didn't she order you to kill her?"

"Sure but I couldn't! She was my friend"

"What about your sensei? The third-hokage? Did he die for you too? Was it your fault he died? No, he died protecting us"

"If only Naruto knew how great of a man he was...."

"You know how dangerous that is Kakashi"

"See what I mean? I just got the idea of telling him! Which is dangerous. DANGEROUS"

"Kakashi enough, move on! No one died just to save you. Their heroes"

A knock came from the door and when Iruka stood up straight to get it, it was knocked down. Tsunade burst in with a worried face. "Kakashi, get you butt back down to the hospital!" Shoot- Tsunade grabbed me by my sleeve and dragged me back to the hospital...only to find flames. Sasuke and Naruto were outside, running toward us. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Tsunade yelled.

"We're not sure, all of a sudden were smelled smoke and there was fire in the halls!" Naruto yelled.

"What about the rest of the patients?" I asked as I stood up from the ground.

"Their fine, there near Sakuras house at the moment. She's treating them"

"Perfect, lets take this flame out!" Tsunade ordered.

After the flame had died, the hospital was left half burnt and half gone. Ash everywhere, medicine detroyed. Everything's...gone. Iruka helped with patiens that were being moved to a new location. They're were just a few, maybe ten or so. The way we were going to repair the hospital wasn't big thought on my mind. Iruka...

"Kakashi" Iruka called from behind. I really didn't want to talk about it again, but I brought this upon myself. "We need to this, what you want?" I said nothing. "Because...if it is, it's okay. We don't have to be together. Just know...I'll be here when you need me" I heard footsteps walk away. I'm so sorry...I stood alone, away from I'm supposed to be. Seperated from others so no ones in danger. I only protect others from conflicts that I usually bring...And I do it alone.

A scream echoed through the village, a woman. Half the patients...were gone, and a man holding a woman with a knife to her neck. Sakura. "Well, well well...whatcha gonna do now ninja? Take one more step and she's dead. Either let her live and go back to your normal lives like none of this happened, or attempt an attack resulting in this lady's death. Choose wisely" No one moved and no one spoke. A matter on our hands and we have no idea what we'll be facing.

(Naruto's POV)

Dang it...what are we gonna do? Sasukes face almost looked terrified...Sakura's hands were held behind her with one of this guys hands, the other had a knife. She was in danger. MAJOR danger. No one did a thing and just stared, we couldn't do anything. We have no idea who the enemie behind the mask was so he could be stronger than Tsunade and we wouldn't even know. We couldn't move, Sakura would die if we did. Come one...isn't there any ninja on patrol? Just one?...No, of course not. Now that this is played in...Sakura's going to be taken. And in that moment, the man disapeared. I turned back to Sasuke, still stuck in fear. "Sasuke...are you okay? I know it's a bad thing that Sakura got taken but..." he shook his head.


"Then...what is it?"

"Am I fit to protect the village?" Sasuke turned away from me and walked away. Towards his old house. I have a bad feeling...that he might leave again.

Sorry it took so long to finish! I was busy and am working on a story of my own creation and original characters! It's going well I believe! This chapter wasn't as sad as I thought it would be. OOP-

Word Count: 1037

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