Chapter 13

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Next Morning...

(Sasukes POV)

I woke up to the warm sun shining on my face. And to snoring. I turn my head to see Naruto. Real idiot. I move his messy hair out of his face. "Naruto..." I say, trying to wake him up. "Come on, time to wake up" I shake him slightly. He groans and slowly sits up.

"Morning..." he says quietly. Blinking, trying to clear his vision. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not long, stayed with me, through the night"

"Well, yeah. One, I fell asleep. Two, I'm not breaking my promise. When I say I'm never leaving your side I mean it" he smiles.

"That's nice to hear" I lay back down on my lap. Closing my eyes.

"Sasuke, you know I have training still" I shift to the side to face him. I open my eyes.

"You can afford to miss a day, can't you? I know it's important to train and get stronger. Same goes to me, I still need to get my brother. But, I've realized something. You need days to yourself. So, that's today. You do what you want, and I'll come with you" his eyes widened.

"I'm glad to see you're warming up to being back in Konoha" I give him a half smile. We lay there for a bit. Just sitting there in silence. About an hour passed and we finally got ready to go outside. Naruto has decided to what he wanted to do, and that was to train. So, like any other normal day for him I guess. We head to a very familiar place. The training ground. It's been awhile... "Well, look who slept in" Sakura greeted us.

"Kakashi not here yet?" Naruto asks as we jog over.

"Of course not! You really think Kakashi would be early?" She put her hands on her hips.

"Fair point" they laughed. So, Kakashi hasn't changed. And neither have they. It's just like about old times. Except, they're a lot more mature now.

"Sasuke, are you going to train with us?" Sakura snapped me out of thought. Train, huh?

"Uhm, sure. I guess I could..." I answered.

"Awesome! I've been dying to see what you've been working on!" As soon as she finished her sentence Kakashi poofed onto the stump in front of us.

"Yo, morning. Oh, Sasuke. Nice of you to join us!" He said as he stood up. Naruto grabbed my hand. Sakura started to squeal again. She really likes the idea of us together. She had no problem with it once so ever. I guess that's nice of her.

"So, what are we doing today?" Kakashi pointed to the forest.

"You will chose three trees and I want you to use your full power on it. It shows how much you've grown. Besides the bell thing" he scratched the back of his head. They did the bells? This brings me back...

The three of us pick trees that were somewhat near each other. Sakura went first. With her strength she ripped the tree out of the ground and flown into the air with just a single punch into the ground. Sheesh, that's almost scary. Naruto went next. He did his signature move, shadow clone jitsu, and made a rasengan. A fairly large one at that. He launched the blue sphere into the tree snapping it in half like a twig. He really has gotten stronger. His strength in battle would do a hundred times the damage with the nine tails. He can most likely beat me. Which means, I'm not ready to kill my brother. Or could it be that Naruto is stronger than Itachi...? If that's the case, I've got work to do. And lots of it.

Once the tree that Naruto has destroyed had fallen it was my turn. I had my chidori ready to go. Using my full strength, carful not to use the curse marks power. I pulled my arm back, ready to go full speed into the oak and pummeled my hand into the tree knocking it back into the forest. The root flown into the air, dirt flying across the the open ground. The tree knocked down another tree just behind hit, falling like dominos. "You three have grown up well, your strength has increased by so much. I'm proud"

"Awe, thanks Kakashi-Sensei!" Sakura jumped. "Is that it for today?"

"Well, for you. I have to turn in these papers telling Lady Tsunade how far you've come" and he vanished.

"Well that was short" Naruto stated. "What do guys wanna do?"

"Hm, good question" Sakura said. We all started to think about what to do. This is going to quickly...things are going back to normal to fast. I start to hyperventilate and things go in a blur. I'm beginning to think this is more than just fear. The ground and broken trees wobble and I loose focus and the last noise I hear was the voice of the person who comforted me most.

"Sasuke? Sasuke!" And everything went dark.

(POV Switch: Naruto)

Sasuke fell into my arms, he was still conscious and his eyes flickering. "Sasuke?" I asked, seeing if he'll respond.

"...n-naruto" he whispered. His body unable to move. Something tells me that it's...I pull down part of his sleeve to see his neck and sure enough, the curse mark was glowing a fire color. This is bad...

"Sakura, get Lady Tsunade.."

"Right!" She headed off to the direction of the office. I look back at Sasuke and lay him on my lap, sitting on the ground.

"Sasuke, Sasuke listen to me. Breathe, okay? Breathe..." I start to breathe slow, hoping he'll match up. I put a hand on his face. What did they do to you...Sweat was falling down his face, he was in utter pain. It's hurting him from the inside.

"...hurts..." He struggles to say.

"I know, I know it does. Try not to speak and just concentrate on breathing" his breathing slows but only slightly. His heart was racing. Then, his eyes went wide open. His dark black pupils turn into the red that most have feared. A pupil, red with black markings engraved. The Mangekyo Sharingan, at level two.
Woo...I liked my words in here!

Word Count: 1063

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