Chapter 20

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(Thank you for 500+ reads in this fanfic! And thanks for 1400+ on my MHA fanfic!)
(Kabuto's POV)

I hit him alright, Sasuke's here. I had glazed the knife in poison, so his arms bound to start stinging like crazy. It won't kill him sadly, but it'll hurt him which is enough to satisfy me. Why did Lord Orochimaru want to use him as a vessel, sure he's one of the last Uchiha along with his brother..but why? I am the perfect canidate. I would give my life for Orochimaru, would Sasuke? Don't think so. All he cares about is "reveiving his clan" and "killing his brother". What about being the strongest?

"KABUTO!" A yellow-haired nija came out from the undergrowth with a rasengan.

"Oh great, Naruto." Another few ninja came out as well. Come on...this is just annoying. I disapeared behind Naruto and through a knife at him...and missed. "Come on, stupid ninja.."

"Kakashi!" he called. A flash a blue flew next to me. The copy ninja, not even an Uchiha but has the Sharigan. I gave a signal for a member of Orochimaru's group to come out. A rather impresive member. A man flew out from behind a rock.

"Get the copy-cat." I ordered. He nodded and ran over to Kakashi. This guy could transform into anything that would make the enemie vulnerable. He will look into your mind and find any history to do so. I was interested to see what he would find out.

(Kakashi's POV)

A person started walked towards me. "'ve got an interesting past now, don't you?" What...? "Names Misao, just by my name, do you know I'm scary?" Misao...a word that means manipulator. Is he going to control me somehow? Who is this guy..? "Hm, what to chose...let's see. Something in the past?" A poof of smoke and a girl stood before me. A person who I have so much regret of killing...the blood that stained my hands.


"I told you to kill me..." Her voice echoed through my mind. I stood still.

"I couldn't do it..."

"Do it, kill me..." she ordered.

"No...not again." I shook my head and a tear fell.

"My blood is still there, on your hands."

"It wouldn't come wouldn't..." I dropped.

"Kakashi-Sensei! It's not real! Stop!" Naruto's voice got closer as he yelled. Rin turned towards Naruto and poofed into another person. Is that who I think it is?

"I suffered the same fate as Rin Nohara. A chidori through the heart." He turned to me. "Another person who got in the way..."

"Stop..." I whispered.

"Stop? Would you rather me do this?" And he turned...into Iruka.


"This?!" He laughed and turned into someone who would make Naruto freeze in shock. Misao would tell him. "Minato...Namikaze. The Fourth Hokage." He turned to Naruto. "Well look at you..."

"Stop it! Don't do it!" I yelled. But it was too late.

(Naruto's POV)

Everyone stood around us in shock. The Fourth Hokage stood in front of me. I knew it wasn't really him...but why would this guy turn into him? "Well Kakashi...why don't we tell Naruto Uzumaki why I turned into the man, hm? What has everyone been hiding from you Naruto?"

"I'm confused, what's there for me to know?" I shrug.

"Do you want to know why Jiraiya said that you resemble the Fourth so well?" I saw that Kakashi's eyes widened. Guy's as well. The rest of the group was just as confused as I was.

"I mean, I can totally see it. We have the same hair..." wait a minute. "and the same eyes..."

"You starting to get it now?"

"Don't tell me..." Is Lord Fourth...

"Thats right! Minato Namikaze is none other than Naruto Uzumaki's-" Blue light flashed through the mans chest, revealing his true form, the fourth gone. The man dropped...dead.

"Kakashi..." He didn't respond and went over to untie Guy. Kabuto had left without us noticing. Sasuke walked over to me.

"I think we're thinking the same thing" he said. I nod.

"Kakashi!" I yell again. He said nothing. "Tell me what he was going to say...I know you know."

"I can't Naruto..." he said.

"WHY NOT?! I think I deserve to know who my parents actually are!" Kakashi closed his eyes, and pulled the cloth to cover his Sharigan. He sighed.

"We were given orders not to tell you, I'm keeping my promise." Guy stood up and Kakashi spoke.

"Kakashi Hatake!" I yelled over. "Tell the Fourth Hokage my father?" I heard Sakura gasp from behind. She had just gotten it. Kakashi looked up...and he slowly...nodded. "He was your sensei...wasn't he?" I asked. He nodded again. I got on my knees and held my head. He's my dad...The Fourth Hokage is my dad. "I didn't deserve to get bullied and shut out. If they knew I'd be okay..."

"If you knew you wouldn't be the person you are today." Guy said. "You wanted to prove yourself, and show you aren't a coward., and you did so." I nodded. I was very angry with Kakashi. Did Iruka know too? The guy said 'what everyone had been hiding'. He must...

"Let's go home...We're done here." I talk to the patients on the ground leading them into the forest to go somewhere safe. This conversation that we'll have will be interesting.

(Sasukes POV)

Naruto had asked to know everything when we got home. He totally deserved it. Kakashi had said that he had something to tell me as well. I couldn't care less about what other secrets my clan was hiding. I've got too many things going on to care. Everyone stayed quiet on the journey home. Especially Naruto. Kakashi trailed behind, farther away from us. Behinf the patients. Some still on wheelchairs, a lot with just a sickness. They wore maskes already, we were lucky this went so smoothly. We still need to figure out why he needed the patients in the first place. Hopefully everything would go back to normal once home is into veiw.
Did three chapters come out in one day? I think so! heeheheheheh XD

Word Count: 1050

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