Chapter 10

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Dun...dun...DUN! New POV~

Blood Warning: Do I Really Need That Though?

The Same Night...

(Kabuto's POV)

"Lord Orochimaru" I came into my Lord's room where he had Sasuke locked up to a chair.

"Kabuto, welcome. I was just speaking with the ignorant traitor..." Sasuke stared at the ground and didn't speak. He had a muzzle, chains strapping him to the chair, and cloth covering his eyes. "Well? On with it..." I straighten myself out.

"There are lead and sand shinobi in the forest. They're looking for Naruto" Sasuke's head went up and mumbled something.

"Oh did you say something, pretty boy?" He mumbled again. Orochimaru laughed at Sasukes pain. A tear came down below the cloth. Ha, what a joke. "How is Naruto doing?" He got up and went over to Sasuke.

"Naruto has been quiet in his room. Hasn't said a word. The only thing that kids got on his mind is this Uchiha" Orochimaru smiled.

"How about we bring this boy to him, we can't keep him alone forever now can we? He must be dying to see him. We're not that bad of people, no..." I walked over and undid the chains. Sasuke didn't bother moving. "Get up" I ordered. Sasuke stood up slowly and I took him by his arm and brought him down the halls. When we reached the nine tails containers cell, Orochimaru opened the door. I light illuminated the area of which Naruto was chained. His hands we hooked to the wall, above his head. He looked down and didn't bother making eye contact.

"Oi, we got something for you..." Naruto didn't move. I shoved Sasuke into the cell, he fell to his knees.

"Cut off his chakra, Kabuto" I pushed my glasses up.

"Already did sir" Orochimaru smiled.

"Good, I want you to stay in the cell with them. Make sure they don't get away" I nod. Orochimaru closes the door halfway. I undo Sasukes chains. Naruto looks up.

"Sasuke..." he whispers.

I remove the cloth and Sasuke skids over to the yellow-haired brat. He cups his head with his hands and smiles. "Hey..." tears fall down both of their faces. Disgusting...

"I'm sorry Sasuke...This is my fault this happened to you" Sasuke shook his head.

"No it's not, don't tell yourself that" He turns to me.

"Can you...unhook him? Please..." I shrug.

"I suppose, but don't get any ideas. You don't stand a chance against me" I walked to them and unchain Naruto. He drops and hugs Sasuke.

"How long was I chained.." he asked.

"Nearly two days now.." Sasuke answered. "Some of the leaf and sand village shinobi are looking for you..." Naruto's eyes lit up.

"If they find me and get me out, will...will you come with me?" He lowers his head.

"I'm not sure Naruto, I still have a goal. I'm not nearly strong enough to defeat Itachi"

"Tch, yeah right. Naruto's probably going to be given to the Akatsuki. Which, your brother is apart of. That groups been after him for awhile" They both turn to face me.

"Itachi...Itachi is a part of the Akatsuki? Orochimaru is with them. YOU'RE WORKING WITH MY ENEMY!" Sasuke yelled. He started getting up and had hatred in his eyes.

"Shush, you imbecile. Your time is limited"
he turned his look back to Naruto and kissed him.

"I don't want them to take you..." he whispered. Naruto smiled.

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