Chapter 1

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Warning- I wrote this a year ago so-
y e a h ;-;

(When Naruto Left The Village To Train With Jiraiya)

(Naruto's POV)

Training, training, and more training! It's tiring, you would think Pervy Sage would give me a break after awhile but..NOPE. I am usually one to go beyond my limit but this is it! I've had it! I've pushed so much chakra out of my system, so much I'm not gonna have any left! This is so..UGH!  "Come on Pervy Sage! Give me a break here!" So many Rasengans! To many!

"Come on, that's nothing! You want to get Sasuke back don't you? Then come on now.." Sasuke..RIGHT. I have a goal, to get Sasuke back. I need him here, it isn't Konoha without him. Team 7 isn't complete without him, not at all. 


(The Present: A Few Weeks After Naruto Returned To The Hidden Leaf)

I lay on my bed thinking about him..just him. Sasuke Uchiha..He's been gone for YEARS. Am I strong enough? Is this all I can do? Sit around here and wait..I just want to go out there and find him. Bring him back to the village, to the bring him back to me. I miss him so much..Does he think of me?

(A/N "What are you thinking? Do you ever think..about me?" CANNON HE SAID THAT IN SHIPPUDEN AND I SQUEALED)

I wish I could talk to him. I know he left just to get beat me. But, I don't want to fight him. He's my best friend. The truth is..he's the closest I have to family. Yeah, Shikamaru and Choji are great friends but..I don't feel the same way I do about them as I do to Sasuke. I don't know how to explain it...I need a walk. I get up, put on my shoes and headed out. I walked around the whole village, even places I haven't been. Like..the Uchiha household. It's so dark..even with the bright light of the moon shining over the rooftops and through the broken windows. I knew which house was Sasukes when I saw the police tape, old and falling off the entrance pillars. No one lived here, well because there's no Uchihas left. Just Sasuke and his Brother, Itachi. Another reason why he left. Revenge. Revenge is terrible for the soul. It makes you do bad things, like getting training from an enemy. Orochimaru..

I lifted the police tape up and headed over to the front door. I stepped inside and it was dead silent. The only sound that was heard was the cold wind whistling through through the windows. Sasuke doesn't know that I understand what he's going through.

"How would you understand, you never had any parents to begin with!"

He was so blinded by hatred that he doesn't understand that I do. I never had parents so I know what it's like, I never knew what happened to my parents but knowing that they were murdered by another family's rough. I wonder what Sasuke was truly like before this happened. When his parents were still around. Did Itachi and him get along? I mean, they're brothers after all. I walked through each room of Sasukes house. The area his parents were murdered. I feel so bad. To know that this is the place where his life changed just like that. I wish we were friends back then. I headed back to my house and sighed. "Why can't you see..that we need you here"

I thought back to all the moments between us. Training, challenging each other at every little thing. Back at the academy, where we kissed by accident. I laughed a little. I wonder how Iruka is doing..Should I..go visit him? He won't mind right? I mean, it's the middle of the night. I need to talk to someone, I know Sakura wouldn't agree to this. Kakashi, no he wouldn't either. I felt like Iruka Sensei would. He was always someone I can turn to. He was my first teacher. He was one of the few who excepted me for who I am. I doubted myself on whether or not I should head over. Probably not, I don't want to be a bother. I'll just go tomorrow.

I didn't get a wink of sleep. I had bags underneath my eyes and my legs were a little sore from my nightly stroll. I wonder if I could take the day off. My thoughts have never really gotten to my head like this. I'll just see what happens. I headed to the training grounds, Sakura was already there of course. "Woah, Naruto! You look tired.." she was concerned.

"Eh, I'm fine." She tilted her head and shrugged. Kakashi was late, like always and came up with a dumb excuse. We're not falling for that anymore. We've grown so much. The best part, I'm taller than Sakura now! I used to be the shortest one, Sasuke was the tallest. Is he still taller than me? Or am I taller than him? That would be awesome. Tallest of Team 7! Minus Kakashi Sensei.

We trained the rest of the day, battling against Kakashi. I couldn't focus all that well. The rest of my team noticed, but I just brushed it off. I'll just train as much as I can, then I'll sleep for the rest of the day. "Naruto." Kakashi walked you to me. "Are you sure you're okay to train today, you seem tired.."

I nodded. "I'm fine Kakashi Sensei, nothing to worry about.." he knew I was lying but he didn't get into it. I respected him for that. After training was over I headed to the academy. I'm going to talk to Iruka, I promised myself last night I would, so I am. I knocked on the door that lead to his office. "Iruka Sensei? You got a minute?" And to my luck he answered, I also heard another voice. It was faint but I knew someone else was in there.

"Sure, come in." He responded. I opened the door and I was greeted with a smile from Iruka and a 'hello' from..

"Kakashi?! What are you doing here? We just got done with training.." I was in a deep state of confusion. What business would Kakashi have here?

"Oh, I was just talking to Iruka." Okay? About what? I didn't ask because it's probably none of my concern.

"What brings you here Naruto?" He pulled up a chair to his desk and signaled for me to sit down.

"Iruka Sensei, I was actually meaning to talk to you..alone.." He nodded.

"Kakashi? You don't mind, do you?" He shook his head, said his goodbyes, and left the room. "So, Naruto..what is it? You seem serious.." Man, he can read me like a book.

"Uhm,so something happened..." I looked down wondering what to say next. "Okay, so I've been thinking about..Sasuke. More than usual. To the point I couldn't sleep.." My eyes started to water, but I held back.

"So that's why you seem tired. Kakashi told me that you couldn't focus to much during training today.." I nodded.

"I was hoping that you could help me, I don't want this to effect my road to Hokage. I need to get stronger if I want him back.." At that point I could push back the tears any longer. They started to stream down my cheeks.

"Naruto..I know you miss him very much, Sakura does too. But I had no idea that you had such a weight on your shoulders."

"I do miss him, I just..I'd do anything to see him again..anything.." I wiped my tears with my sleeve, but more kept falling down.

"I know how you feel, I lost my parents. I couldn't sleep well after their funeral. It pains me to know that I won't see them again. But, you will see Sasuke again. I know you will. Just keep that thought in your head. You will see him again." I looked up to see an empathetic smile.

"Thank you Iruka Sensei.." I headed back home. I still can't stop thinking about him. I just want him back here. So I took Irukas advice. Just keep that thought in your head. You will see him again.I will see him again. But, what will I do once I see him? What will I do..
Word Count: 1447

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