Chapter 24 [FINALE]

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So uh, this is the final chapter. . . T~T I'm so sad- but this must happen . . . C R Y I N G

The Next Day [Nearing Night]...

(Naruto's POV)

After the whole thing from yesterday, it's still hard to believe. I always knew this would happen but I did nothing. I was always trying to believe that by suspicions weren't true. I tried to believe that he'll stay. I was foolish. He wasn't going to stay. Why would I ever allow myself to think that was true? Of course he wouldn't stay, he thinks he doesn't belong. But maybe he'll understand some day. Maybe he'll come to his senses. Me and Sakura tried to see if we could catch him down the path but he was too far gone. He was really gone. I was heartbroken and I was greatful to have my friends to help me through it. Sakura, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru...All those amazing people tried to comfort me in some way. They tried to to take my mind off of it was the same feeling I got when he first left. The feeling of guilt and an aching pain in my chest like it was the end of the world. Sasuke was my world. He was taken into a void of which he thought was the best place to go, to clear his thoughts. But really this wasn't a reasonable action to take. He won't think! He needs to sit down and think this through.

A knock came from the door. It was probably Sakura coming in to check on me. I walked over to the door slowly. I had realized that everytime I answer the door I always hope that is was someone I dearly missed and needed beside me. I always hope to open the door and see the face of- "Sasuke..." There he was. Right there. Standing in front of me. My eyes widened. Was I dreaming? I must be seeing things, my eyes are playing tricks on me. I can't think straight, this isn't real. I want it to be but it's too good to be true. But then he spoke...

"I couldn't without saying a proper goodbye." he said. He dipped his head down and never looking me in the eyes. He's here...but he won't stay.

"Y-you're here..." I stuttered. I still couldn't believe the sight. He has his sword, bags on his back, and hood over his head. He was serious about what he said.

"Yeah, I can't stay long. Can't we talk a bit?" he asked. How can he stay so calm in a situation like this...I guess that's what makes him so cool. The reason I look up to him. I let him inside and he sat down like nothing had changed.

"I knew you'd leave." I said as I closed the door. "Just didn't know when." He sighed.

"You know I can't stay..." he said. I got angry but I didn't snap. He's so stubborn...

"No, I don't...You can stay, but you choose not to." I sat next to him and looked him straight in eye without fear. I was confindent in whatever I'll say. He said things that were untrue about himself. He said things that he thought he lacked. Courage, bravery, strength. He had all of those qualities, that's what makes him such a great ninja.

"Sasuke listen to me, you think too much. And you know it too." His head stayed down. He knows I'm telling the truth.

"I'll only say this one more time, I don't belong here Naruto. I've killed so many people, innocent people! I've betrayed the village, I've betrayed the team, and I'm a disgrace to the Uchiha name. I can't stay here any longer, I've done too much damage to here and to myself. You can't change my mind."

"You think I don't know that? I understand what you're going through because I've gone through it myself and I know you. I knew that when you weren't there this morning, you left the village. I knew that you wouldn't stay, I knew that there would be a note saying that it wasn't my fault but you still have just one goal. You can change your future Sasuke!"

"How do you know?"

"Because I changed mine." His eyes widened as I said those four word. He didn't know what I'd been really doing the past three years. He had no clue. I told him that I'd bee training but really, I was training my mind. I was training it to think positive and stay focused thoughout any situation. This training sharpened my mind, Jiraiya helped me realize so many things. "The first time I changed it was when I was young. I made the choice to stop having people look down on me. I chose to do something so crazy and so stupid that they'd actually start to realize to not judge a book by it's cover."

"You went through all that? You're the person you are today because you simply changed your future?"

"Not simply, in took months of training to be who I am today. When I was younger, it wasn't that hard. I just didn't like how people were treating me." He's still going to leave no matter how hard I try. You can't change a persons mind that easily, I should know. So many times I've tried to make the enemy become an allie. The people who hurt the most is always the people who are on the bad side. They've got reasons to do what they're doing. Now, sometimes that's not the case which is unfortunate. But like Haku and Zabuza, they were good people. If only they lived longer...

"Thank you for telling me Naruto but...I still need to-"

"I know." I sigh and duck my head. "My journey to get you back is over I guess." I heard the floor boards creak as he moved over to me. He hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I look forward to seeing you again..." I hugged back. This really hurt my soul but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Same here..."

We headed outside, and to the place where he'll leave for who knows how long. Hopfully I'll run into him again. Starting back at the beginning again. He's left again, I don't know when he'll be back, but I'll be waiting. He held my hand. "Don't get into too much trouble out there." I said. He chuckled.

"I'll try not to." I stared at our hands, this won't last long...I stared into those dark, black, myterious eyes of his.

"I'll miss you." That's when I punched him in the shoulder. "You make me worry too much! You idiot..." He laughed.

"Well, I'll miss you too. And don't worry about me, okay? I'll be fine. I'm staying out of sight and I won't stop think about you, alright?"  I nodded. He'll be okay. He'll be back. And everything will be back to normal.

We said our goodbyes and as soon as let go of my hand, I felt a sense of sorrow and hope. Hope to a bright new future. A brand new start. My mind was open and ready for whatever fate had in store for me. My heart would remain empty until he would return. But until then, I'll hold my head up high and march through every obstacle thrown at me. And there is only one thought on my mind now, 'I could really use a bowl of ramen'.
I ended that the best way possible- RAMEN 0-0

THE END **sniffle** IM NOT OKAY, I made myself do this and I'm sad. BUT, that's means I can start writing a new story~ I'm thinking...Haikyuu?? hehehehehehe, what if I tell you I've already started writing that (¬◡¬) mwuahaha- OR the Taken RE-WRITE

WELP, thank you for over 1000 reads on this story AND ranking #78 in SasuNaru! YAY u-uhm, the end I guess- T^T

And the final word count: 1357

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