Chapter 21

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(REMINDER! This is an AU [Alternate Universe] so, don't come screaming at me that Naruto didn't learn about his parents from Kakashi lol, It hasn't happened yet but ya know...I have a feeling XD)
(Another chapter with lots of dialogue T-T)
(Lots of switching POV's ⊙︿⊙)

(Sasukes POV)

The Same Day (Sun is Setting)...

Kakashi had sat us down in the middle of the training grounds. Naruto stayed quiet, still angry at Kakashi. It was getting late and we had no idea how long thing conversation would last. Kakashi cleared his throat and tried to start a sentence. "Okay...uhm, Naruto." Naruto stared at the grass, listening but not bothering to make eye contact. "So, um, as you know...Minato, the fourth hokage, my sensei, is your father...Your mother is Kushina Uzumaki."

"So I took her last name..." Naruto whispered.

"So, when the nine-tails attacked...they gave their life to save you. Doing so, the nine-tails was you."

"Yeah I know...he's annoying sometimes." Our eyes widened.

"'re....friends with it?" I asked.

" a way." he shrugged. Looks like he's in a better mood now.

"Do you...have any questions about him?" Kakashi asked.

"He was the Hokage, he must've had a great teacher...who was he?" he asked. Kakashi pulled out his..."book".

"You know who wrote this?" he asked. Naruto nodded.

"Of course, Pervy Sage did."

"Jiraiya was your fathers sensei." Naruto's eyes widened and smiled.

"I must have a bright future then! I'll definitely become Hokage!" I smiled He hasn't changed. I wish I was as confindent as you, Naruto.

"And, Sasuke?"


"You know Obito...?" Obito? I haven't heard about him in years. My parents told me about him, he died young they said.

"I've heard, yes."

"He was my teammate, just thought you'd like to know that one of the Uchiha was friend." He saddened. Was Obito that great? How close was he to Kakashi? "He acted so much like Naruto..."

"Wait, really?" I asked.

"He did, he too wanted to become Hokage. He also had a crush on Rin like how Naruto had a crush on Sakura." he laughed.

"Don't remind me..." I say.

"Awe, someones jealous that I had a crush on a girl~." Naruto laughed.

"Shut up." I turned away from him.

We wrapped up the day with laughing and Naruto forgiving Kakashi. He was still disapointed that Kakashi had kept it a secret for his whole life. But he understood that it was to protect him. Me and Naruto will still confused on why our sensei was looking down as we left the village, Naruto suspected that it had something to do with Iruka. We dropped that subject because we didn't want to become to curious and wanting to find out more. The hospital had completly dried from the water that had been sprayed. The patients were doing fine but unfotunetly...a few were lost. As we return the people back to Tsunade, some had needed the help of medical tool to keep going and it was too late.

(Sakura's POV)

I didn't get hurt by person who kidnapped me but Lady Tsunade still suggested I get looked at. I was more worried about the rest of Team 7 rather than myself. I wonder how their talk had gone. Was Naruto still angry and Kakashi, or did he forgive him? I'm also worried about Kakashi and Iruka's relationship. I've seen Kakashi avoiding himself and everytime he talks to him he gets sad as he walks away. "What's on your mind Sakura?" Tsunade walked into her office where I had waited.

"You're asking me? You're not the type of person to get into this type of thing, you don't like drama."

"Yeah, yeah, well it's too quiet. So, go on."

"Wow, okay then." I started counting on my fingers as I spoke to see how long her insterest would keep at bay. "I think somethings wrong with Kakashi and Iruka-" A door shut. I looked at my fingers. "Woah, a whole 10 seconds. That's a new record." I laughed. Well at least I'm getting checked out-

"Don't even get that thought into you're head that you were done here." Tsunade grinned as she walked in with a medical kit. Dang it.

(Iruka's POV)

So many mishaps have happened in the matter of hours. People have died. What could I do? I'm just a teacher, a loyal shinobi. I'm not nearly as strong as the people I know. Lady Tsunade, Asuma, Guy,...Kakashi. That man. He has too many thoughts swarming through his head all at once. I wish I knew what he was thinking. I could proabaly guess, but no. There are secrets, memories that he chooses to forget, but he can't. It's something I can tell he's struggled with for some time. I saw the look on his face as he returned. Something must've triggered his mind into blaming himself again. I also noticed that when I was with him, he seemed to forget about those events in the past. Even if it's just for a moment, it's the best moments of his time. He wants forgivness, but he doesn't want to say it. The people who have died in his life in the past, his team, sensei, parents...he wants them back. And it's normal to want that, if only you could. I guess there's always re-animation...but that's far too dangerous. I would like my parents back as well, but I can't. As much as you hope, this is something that can't be undone.

"Iruka..." The shallow voice of a man was heard behind me. I was in my house alone, but the person who had said my name was no intruder.

"Kakashi?" I turned. There he was, bags under his eyes. Although he's been gone for a day it looked like he hadn't slept in a long time.


"I heard you talked to Sasuke and Naruto, how did it go?" I asked. I had heard about the journey, what happened when they reached their destination. Someone did something to them and it didn't settle well.

"It went better than expected, I guess."

"And...the mission?" It was hard talking to him this normal after what happened a few nights ago.

"Rough." His gaze somewhat saddened as he recalled the mission.

"That bad?"

"It was...something." He sat down on the couch. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about." I walked over to the couch and sat next to him.

"No, I do." He pulled down his mask and took a deep breath. "The rogue ninja turned into things that would make us...feel terrible, in ways no can even imagine."

"What did this person turn into?"

"My sensei, my team...and you..." It went quiet. Nothing was heard but the sound of wind brushing agaist the window panes. The problem was we both didn't know what ot say. We thought it, but nothing left our mouthes. Silence always made thing just a bit more awkward.
HELLO. I watched the second movie for MHA last night. IM  CRYING. That was beautiful (╯︵╰,)

Word Count: 1200

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