Chapter 5

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Same Day...

(Naruto's POV)

I'm so glad Sasuke's okay and I'm very glad to know that...he likes me. And yes, I know I said I didn't but...Whatever! The important part is that he's safe and well and I know where to meet him again. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I go to him. To the same spot in the forest. "Naruto, why did you run away?" Sakura was waking beside me, heading back to the village.

"Everyone I talk to feels sorry for me because I can't get good sleep without know what he's doing..." She nodded.

"I apologize, for earlier. I should've pushed you to tell me what was going on. Just, tell me if you need anything. Got it?" Huh, she really has changed. She used to be all over Sasuke and followed him around everywhere. I guess that old thirteen year old mind is gone, or is it?

"Yeah, thanks Sakura" she smiled "Oh, Sakura? I have a question for you..."

"Sure, what's up?"

"Do you...still have a crush on Sasuke?" Her eyes widened.

"Where's that coming from?"

"Just...a thought" Oh god I'm blushing aren't I? I mean, my face felt warm so...Shoot, would if she gets the wrong idea?!

"Well, I guess I do. I think? It's kind of hard to say really. I believe I do" I nodded "What made you say that? You don't...have an actual crush on me do? Not like three years ago.." I shook my head.

"No, I don't, no offense. But I...I do like someone, someone you wouldn't expect" Oh god, what am I doing?! I can't tell her! What would she even think of it...

"Oh! Hm, can I guess? Just three tries!" She started jumping up and down in front of me.

"Okay, okay! Sure.." This should be interesting. How much you want to bet her first guess will be-

"Hinata?" Yup, I knew it.


"Really? Okay, hmm. Hinata the only one I could really think of...I don know, Ino?" She snickered. I started laughing.

"No way!" Ha, Ino! Yeah right!

"Wait..oh my gosh!" Her eyes lit up and she's smiled a great big
smile "IS IT A GUY?!" Shoot-

"I-, uhm..." She figured me out!

"HUH! IT IS! Naruto, I'm happy for you! Okay, one more guess..." At least she's excepts it, she doesn't care that I like guys...

" it...Sasuke?" Oh no. She did it, she found out who it was.

"U-uhm, m-maybe.." I rubbed the back of my head, my face as red as a tomato. Oh my god. Sasuke LIKES tomato's.

"Oh my gosh really? Awe!" She hugged me. I'm glad to have a friend like her. I looked back to the direction we came from and smiled. I'll meet you tomorrow Sasuke, I promise. "Naruto? You good?" I flinched and turned back to her.

"Yeah, I'm good. Let's go back home..."

**Time Skip**

I woke up feeling refreshed, finally. I did my daily routine and headed out to the Hokages office. Today will be a normal day. I'll be able to get training done right now. Even though I have been training for the past three and a half years, I need to be able to defeat any threat that comes out way. I know Sasuke's chances of coming back are low, but I still have hope. Maybe, just maybe, he'll come back. Today's a fresh start, time to use my full strength. When I arrived there I saw Iruka and Kakashi talking to each other again. It seems like those two are ALWAYS with each other. And I mean ALWAYS. I don't think there's ever been time where I saw them apart, besides training. "Hey, Kakashi and Iruka-Sensei!" I waved to them and ran over.

"Morning Naruto" Iruka said with a smile.

"Morning..." Kakashi spoke with an almost nervous tone in his voice.

"Question, since when do you two hang out?" Kakashi looked like he was sweating with terror behind that mask. Iruka stuttered out,

"We're friends, Naruto. And friends talk to each other on a daily basis."

"But like, you two are together ALL THE TIME" I could've sworn I saw a blush form in
Iruka-Sensei's face, I swear.

"U-uhm, we're close friends.." he hid his face with his clipboard.

"Yeah, close friends..." Kakashi said without making eye contact.

"Okay...well I'm on my way to Lady Tsunade so...catch ya later!" I waved goodbye and headed over. What's with them? Hm...WAIT. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" I heard Iruka-Sensei laugh a little. I ran back to them. "You..Kakashi..TOGETHER?!" I fell onto the floor. "I don't think my brain can process this.."

Iruka smiled again. "Yes Naruto" I hugged the two of them. "Naruto-"

"You guys are awesome..Well, I'm done here! Good luck you two! Bye!"

"Bye Naruto.." they said. I can't believe it! My first two sensei's...Together! Now that's an unexpected couple right there. Who would've thought? Anyway, I knock on Lady Grandmas office door, waiting for a reply.

"Come in..." I opened the door and Shikamaru and Temari were there. I still think they're together! They deny it, I don't know..

"Oh, hey Naruto" Shikamaru greeted me with his low voice. Laziest ninja in the leaf, but the smartest.

"Right, Naruto. Team 7 has a mission today. You're the only one I could bring in today because Sakura has some extra medical training to do and as for Kakashi...he said he was busy?"

I smirked "Actually, he's outside with Iruka-Sensei~"

"He is? What's he doing with Iruka?" I giggled a little.

"Flirting probably~" her eyes widened.

"They're..WHAT?!" She stood up from her chair.

"That's what I said!" Shikamaru and Temari stood there is silence, confused and shocked.

"Okay, I'll speak to him later. Naruto, Team 7 will be on a mission to scout outside the leaf village tonight. We sent ninja out there when we were looking for you and they heard talking" Talking...oh no. It wasn't me and Sasuke was it? Shoot, I think it is!

"O-oh, talking? I'm that's strange, there weren't any other ninja out there, right?" She nodded.

"Sakura went on her own but it sounded like a male.." Yup, it was us. They heard...US. Shoot, we should've been more careful about how loud we were talking. We spoke in normal tone but when it's dead silent, it's louder than you an echo almost. The sounds of our voices bouncing off the trees to be heard by the wondering ninja on search for me.

"Okay, when would you like us to head out again?"

"Tonight.." Uhm, did I hear that correctly? TONIGHT! No, no, no, no. Shoot, would've they see Sasuke? Okay, think Naruto, THINK. Alright, what if he just doesn't show? Yeah! That would suck because then I won't be able to see him but...I'll come the next day, like he said.

"Okay, thank you!" I walked out the door to find Kakashi again and he was still with Iruka.
"Kakashi-Sensei!" I yell to him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Lady Tsunade asked us to scout outside the leaf tonight."

He nodded. "Alright, go tell Sakura." I started walking out, but before I got to the door I yell,

"And don't you dare be late this time! It's important!" And I left. Now the wait had begun, at nightfall we head out. Just please, Sasuke, don't get caught.
Finally done! That was an EXTREMELY long chapter! Hope you liked it! ❤️

Word Count: 1270

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