Chapter 4

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The Same Day...

(Sasukes POV)

"No!" I yelled without a clue in the world. Orochimaru looked at me with a face filled with anger.

"What did you say to me?"

"I mean..." I start, what to say next... "We...shouldn't be careless. We don't have enough people to attack the leaf and besides, what's the point anyway? My job is to get stronger then take on my brother. That's it.." I straightened my look to seem more serious.

"So there is a reason I keep you around..." he licked his lips and walked away. Ugh, nice save Sasuke. What now? Shoot, NARUTO! I just left him out there...I should've done that. I walk back to the entrance just to be questioned by Kabuto again.

"Going out again? To where, exactly?" He asked. I knew he suspicious at that point.

"It's my time to myself...I do what I want meaning, I don't have to answer you're stupid questions" He laughed.

"It's my job to ask the stupid questions, and one includes asking that. So, where are you going?" He smirked.

"Where else would I be going? All there is out there is the forest..Like I said, stupid question" And I left him in silence. When I knew I was out of his view...I started to run. Right back to the spot I left him. Please...still be there. I stopped when I saw a figure, a yellow haired figure. "Naruto..."

" came back?" I nodded.

"Sorry, I panicked..." he walked over and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged back of course.

"Don't go yet.." he whispered.

"I won't..." This was risky but, it's my only chance to see him. "Naruto, when we're done here you should head back home. You know I'm here and you know I'm okay" he nodded.

"I will."

"Good, now about earlier..." I blushed. He giggled a little.

"We don't have to talk about that. Don't worry..." he smiled. I'm grateful to have him as a friend. A friend...what does he think of me?

"Naruto...what" I got nervous and didn't want to say anything more. But I had to. "What do about me?" I sat down against the same tree as before and hid my face. Saving myself from the embarrassment.

"What do I like about you? Sasuke, you're the person I can relate to the most. You're smart, strong, you take you're time,'re you. Just being you makes me feel happy." He sat down next to me. I lifted my head slightly to look at those eyes. "The question is, what do you like about me?"

What I think of him? Oh I can say plenty. But, all I had to say one word. One word that will describe it all. "Everything..." His eyes glittered. He smiled at me.

"That's sweet...but be more specific! I wanna know!"

"Okay, okay. I...well, you're the most heartfelt person out there. At first, I'm not gonna to lie, I thought you were stupid. Weak, clueless, and idiotic. Turns out I was just listing off characteristics of me..." I sigh.

"Well that's not true. You aren't any of those things. You're being idiotic just thinking of that" he looked at me with an empathetic look. I smile at him slightly.

"Yeah, I guess..." I lean against him "I'm lucky to have you in my life."

"NARUTO!" We heard a yell from behind. We both recognized the voice.

"Sakura..." he whispered and saddened "I don't want to leave you yet." He turned to me with a tear in his eye. I hug him.

"Meet me here again, tomorrow at this time..if I'm not here, come the next day. Okay?" I comforted him.

"Okay, goodbye Sasuke. I love you.." I smile, but before I could say it back I saw pink hair headed this way.

"Goodbye, Naruto..." I run back to base worried that she saw me. I stopped in the middle of my run to see if I could hear anything. Fortunately, I could.

"Naruto, you're alright!" Sakura..

"Yeah, I'm okay. I was just heading back, sorry" You have nothing to be sorry about Naruto. Nothing. I headed back to base and surprise, surprise, Kabuto's suspicious.

"What's with the sudden interest of going outside, huh?"

"None of you're concern, it's nice night."

"Whatever, I'll be telling Lord Orochimaru about this.." Hopefully this doesn't affect anything. I don't want them finishing out that I'll be meeting Naruto in secret from now on. I don't want anyone else to know where I'm going except Naruto. The things we spoke of tonight we're helpful to me, maybe I could finally get a good nights sleep. I don't have to be thinking about how that yellow-haired ninja is doing. I can also go to sleep knowing that he'll be able to actually go to sleep tonight. He doesn't have to worry about me. He'll get strong, he'll become Hokage one day, and Konoha will be a safe place of peace.

I walked to my room and laid down with my hands behind my head, staring at the ceiling. Luckily, Orochimaru didn't come near my room questioning me. Kabuto...he's so annoying. Why can't he just get off my back and leave me be. I have my own personal life and he chooses to invade it. That guys got some nerve. Although, what would happen if he found out about Naruto? What would he do? They'd be furious yes but, what would they do to me? What would they do to him?! Would they dare hurt him? They'd be idiots to think they stand a chance. I believe they underestimate him. He's a lot stronger than he looks, and he looks like he could beat you to a pulp. I bet he would. Am I strong enough to pull off something like that? I've been training nonstop for three and a half years, could I beat Naruto? Let alone my brother? If I ever face Naruto in battle...would I be able to beat him? If I couldn't...I'll never be able to get back at my brother for what he did. He said it was to see how far his power could go. "Did you really have to kill our entire family for it?!"
(Woah, I kinda liked that chapter A LOT. This took forever...hope you liked it! ❤️)

Word Count: 1073

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