Chapter 9

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(Started writing this AGAIN on a school night and it'll be midnight in about 25 minutes 😂, enjoy! And thank you for 66 reads already on this story as well as 562 reads on my other story Taken! Thank you! ❤️)

The Same Night...

(New POV: Temari's)

"It's a good thing we found it..." Me and Shikamaru say. Me and him went scouting and during our stroll we spotted the entrance. It was different then before going off of Sakura's description.

"It's about five miles from here, we figured if we go far enough we would find something useful..." Shikamaru states. He really is something. Smartest man I know..

"Let's get going tomorrow, we'll rest here. Iruka? Would you like to train with me for awhile?" Kakashi asks.

"Yes, I would like that.." Iruka responds.

"Good, you guys get tents set up. We have enough for three in each. Again, someone's gotta have a group of three. Sort amongst yourselves.." he waves to us and takes Iruka by that hand.

"Okay, who's going with who?" I ask as I glare at Lee. But Gaara was already holding his arm. I growl at them, hoping to scare off Lee. He does know that if he dates my youngest brother he'll have to deal with me right? Idiot...

"Temari, I'm taking one with Lee. And you can't stop me, okay?" I sigh.

"Whatever..." I cross my arms. Shikamaru nudges me. "Shush you..." I smile.

"Shall we stay as a group, Neji? Guy?" They nod and take a tent to set up.

"I guess let's stick with our group?" I shrug. Sakura and Konkuro take a tent, along with my brother and that black-haired
weirdo. Which left me with Shikamaru. I've gotten a good friendship going with him I guess. I'm not one for making new friends but, whatever. Shikamaru sets it up while I have a talk with Lee. "If you break my brothers heart, I'll crush your soul into a billion pieces..."

He looks terrified, good. "Y-yes ma'am..." he smiles a little. Why-

"Temari..." AH!

"Gaara..we were just having a talk, right? Lee..." he nods. Gaara doesn't seem to be impressed by my lying. I had to admit, it was lousy.

"Temari, stop scaring him. Lee, come here" Lee slowly walks over to my brother. Gaara ruffles his hair, it had been messed up by me because his hair stood on end when I came in. He fixed Lee's hair and turns to me. "Stop teasing him sis, I'm not a kid anymore" he grabbed the shinobi's hand. "How about you find yourself a man? Seems like you enjoy yourself around Shikamaru~" he waves to me and goes back to the tent with Lee. I was left with a thought and a face full of blush. SHIKAMARU?! way! No..he doesn't even like me that much as a friend, right? Whatever, I'll get you back GAARA! I don't care if you're the Kazekage! You are my brother and you will PAY!

"Temari, the tents done. Let's get set up" Shikamaru called over.

"Okay, coming..." I walk slowly to him. He looks at me and turns his head sideways with a small smile.

"What's up with you? Your face looks like you just got smacked" I laugh a little.

"Am I really that red?" I ask. Am I? He nods.

"What happened exactly?"

"Gaara happened...that stupid Lee" I clench my fist. He laughs.

"Seems like siblings are a drag"

"Everything is a drag to you..." he smirks.

"You're not wrong, now come on. Get your stuff" he steps into the grey tent and lays on his back. He seemed tired, well, more than he usually is. We did walk five miles after all, but I still feel like I can run fifty. I look into the night sky, then to Shikamaru.

"I do need rest..." I grab my stuff and settle down next to him. I've been in Konoha for so long I almost forgot what the Sand Village looks like. I like this village though, it's peaceful and quiet. There's also something always going on. Drama usually, but it's entertaining here in the Leaf.

"You look like you've got something on your mind..." I flinched a little at the sound of Shikamaru's low, quiet voice. It's actually something I can fall asleep to it maybe.

"Yeah, just thinking.." I say quietly.

"About what, if you don't mind me asking"

"Just about the Lead Village really. It's nice here, I used to think that the Sand Village was the beat place I the world. I was wrong, there are so many other places out there I haven't seen yet. Konoha is just beautiful" I sigh "Another thing is about what my brother said. Now that's something I don't want to talk about..." I cover my face.

"Hm, something personal I'm assuming?" He asks.

"I honestly don't know what to call it. It's just, what he said is going to be on my mind for a while" Then, he does something unexpected. He grabs my hand and pulls me up.

"Come on, I wanna show you something" he brings me out of the tent and to a tall tree. He lets go of my hand and jumps up. I follow, once I was below him he reaches his hand out to me. I grab it and when he pulls me up...

"Woah..." the stars lit up the night sky. It almost seemed fake. "This is...beautiful"

"In the Sand Village, don't you ever get time to yourself? The desert is the best place to see stars like this" I shake my head.

"Like the leaf, there's always something to do. But in Suna, it's work. I'm always working. But this, this is wonderful Shikamaru..." I'm still holding his hand. I blush a little and I notice that...he does too. I move closer to him. We sit on the highest branch and talk. I lean against him and start to shut my eyes. I guess I was right, I could fall asleep to his voice. In a good way.
HEEHEE, ShikaTema!

Word Count: 1025

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