Chapter 3

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^Perfect representation of what happens^
Same Night...

(Sasukes POV)

Naruto...Why is he here? Why is he saying these things? And...why can't I get my eyes off of him? Whatever, why should I care anyway. I get down from the tree I was hiding in. The truth was, I wanted to see how Konoha was doing...I don't care all that much but, I felt like it. "Where are you Sasuke...why don't you just come back? We need you here...I need you here." He said to himself. I wish I could tell him why. "I understand why you left...but..." I saw tears coming down. Since when does he cry? What has he been through...Without thinking, I silently jumped down from the tree. He hid his face in his legs in silence. I slowly walked over to him. What am I doing? I can't face him like this! He lifted his head. His eyes and face were red. "I need you..." He cried. He...needs me? I was sitting behind the tree he was at. Back to back with the tree between us. I leaned back and looked through the leafs to see the stars. Naruto...I wish I could say something. I was surprised that he didn't notice me. That for the best.

"Naruto..." I whispered as quietly as I could. I heard rustling behind me. Shoot, did he hear me?

"Who's there?" I heard the sound of kunai-knife being taken out. The sound of the small blade. I kept my mouth shut. "Come out, if it's you Kakashi I'm not going back to the leaf anytime soon.." What? He ran away? I stood up with my back against the tree and stuck my head out just a bit to see him. He's so tall now...not the same little idiot anymore. Hairs still the same though. I tried my best not to laugh at that. He's changed a lot though, not so much in appearance, but his personality. I could tell that he's more mature now. I'm sure he's stronger too. I've been training as well. My body started to move towards him. What's happening? Why can't I stop? I slowly stepped to where I was right behind him...and hugged him. Ah! What am I doing?! "What the-" he turned his head to see me. Eyes closed with my head resting on his shoulder. Oh no..

"Hey...Naruto" I whispered. He gasped.

"S-sasuke.." He turned his body around and put his arms around my neck. "It's really you..." Why! Why did I do it? I moved without thinking! I...I don't hate this. I'm hugging him...and I don't hate it.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here..." I backed off and turned to the other direction. But he grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Please, let me go..." I felt heartbroken, leaving him behind like this. I held his hand tighter just because I wanted to.

"Sasuke...please, can I just talk to you. That's all I want. That's all I've been hoping to do" he said. I turned to him. His gaze was warm again, full of life.

"Okay...but I can't stay long." His light blue eyes sparkled at the response. I smiled a little. No! What? Why did I smile?! Why am I agreeing to this? backing out now. We sat down next to each other and just talked. About anything really. It was nice, he's a good person. I always knew that but when you imagine a good person it's like someone helping out other people with their daily routine type of stuff. But with Naruto, he helps you out in anyway he can, helping himself in the process. It's hard to explain but he's just someone who's great to talk to. "Why did you come out here in the first place?" Now all that energy he had...died. His gaze darkened.

"Um, the rest of team seven...they figured out why I looked so tired all the time and they felt sorry for me...they all do. It's what they all say. They think they understand what I'm going through but they don't..." he started playing with the grass trying to distract himself from any other thoughts in his mind. But he needs to get them out.

"Why did you look tired all the time?" I asked as his face grew red. Blush? Why would he...

"I-" he calmed himself down and steadied his breathing. "Do you ever...think out me?" He hid his face from me. Did I ever think of him? I mean, of course I did...

"Yeah, I did. A lot actually. I thought about a lot of things but you were always apart of them.." It's the truth. I never didn't think about him. Or my brother. I'll make him pay for what he did, I just need to be as strong as him or stronger than him. Itachi...

"I thought about you's why I looked tired. I never stopped thinking of you" he stated. Never...stopped?

"Oh, what about me did you think about...?" I asked him. He leaned on my shoulder.

"How you're doing, what you're thinking about, strong you are" he sighed. "I've been thinking about a lot of things. I just...need you here." He needs me. He needs ME. I felt my face get warm at the thought. He's always made me feel this way. I..I love him. Oh no...I LOVE HIM. I can't, I can't, I can't, I CAN'T. But I do. I reached my hand to grab Naruto's. "Sasuke?" I quickly kissed his forehead, let go of his hand, and disappeared.

I poofed back to the entrance of Orochimaru's base. I could almost hear him calling my name. SASUKE!! Ugh, why'd I do that! My face was burning up. Just forget about it, just FORGET about it. I headed back inside and was immediately questioned by Kabuto. "And where were you?" He asked.

"None of your concern..." I snarled at him.

"Okay then, you're just in time. Lord Orochimaru needs you." I headed down the steps and headed over to him. And still...Naruto was still in my head. Ugh, come on! GET OUT!

"Sasuke...I sense something is troubling you?" He asked.

"No...nothing wrong."

"You know, I do hate liars..." he sneered.

"There's nothing wrong, now what do you need?" I ask, irritated.

"Ah yes, we're making our first appearance. A great entrance. We will be attacking the leaf in just a few days..." Oh no, attacking the leaf?! I'll have to face Naruto! No, I'll just have to act it out. I'll have to fight him. It'll be interesting to see how much stronger he has gotten. I'm sorry Naruto, but I'm not as good of a person as you think.

Word Count: 1151

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