Chapter 6

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The Same Day, Nightfall...

(This chapter is...kinda stupid?)

(Sasuke's POV)

A light rain fell tonight. It shouldn't be to bad. Orochimaru gave me nights to train alone and scout the area, but what I was really doing was meeting with Naruto. I head out into the dark forest to see if I could spot the ninja I've learned to love, except it was the complete opposite. Pink hair, red clothes, green eyes...Sakura. What the heck was Sakura doing here? As she walked closer to where I was, I noticed that Kakashi was there...Wait, their all apart of Team 7, which means...

"Should we split up?" Naruto, my eyes sparkled. He's here but...for a different reason then just meeting me. He looked up waiting for Kakashi's response. He saw me and smiled. He held a finger to his mouth, telling me to be quiet. I nodded and waited for him.

"Yes, let's split up. Blow the whistle you carry with you if you see something, then meet back here."

"Right!" Naruto went towards my direction, to the left, Sakura went right, and Kakashi's went straight. Once they were gone, I jumped down and hugged him.

"What going on?" He hugged back and sighed.

"They heard us talking when they were searching for me..."

"Oh...well, you're here now and that's all that matters" I smile a little.

"Yeah..." I didn't let go of him, the truth was that I couldn't. "Let's go further into the woods, we won't be spotted there" I nodded. If only we didn't have to hide. It was my choice to stick with Orochimaru, and I won't change my mind. I have a goal and I'm sticking to it. I broke our hug and we walked into the darkness. Leafs falling from the trees indicating that Fall will come soon. We walked side by side, hand in hand, feeling the cold mist hit our faces.

"Anything new happen in Konoha?" I broke the silence between us, truthfully, I just wanted hear his voice.

"Actually, yeah. Kakashi found someone" he snickered. Kakashi?

"Really? Who is it?" He smiled.

"Our first teacher at the academy~" Wait a minute, does he mean...

"Iruka?" He nodded and smiled. "Wow, that's shocking..."

"Yup, well that's really the big thing that's new. What's up with you?" I shrugged.

"Nothing really...the usual."

"Well, what is 'the usual'?"

"Training..." I sigh "It's almost tiring, you know?" I look at his face, he's blushing. Why's he...

"You..." I'm confused, did I do something?


" said my word" I said his...WAIT. "'You know'" I did, I did say his word! Oh jeez. I start blushing like crazy.

"I..." oh great, I can't talk anymore. He pulled me close to him and tightly hugged me.

"I think it's cute.." AGIEJDJDEIJ, he know how to get to me. I completely red.

"Naruto..." I hid my face in his chest, I'm going soft. I'm not usually like this. I'm supposed to be the 'bad boy', breaking the rules, not listening to anyone. But Naruto brings out a side of me I didn't know existed. The side that just wants...cuddles. Ugh, I hate that word. Whatever, I don't care.  "S-so, you're out here trying to find the voice the shinobi heard. But, we're the ones that were talking"

"Pretty much" I nod.

"What do we do in the meantime? I mean, everyone's looking for,
well, us" he shrugged.

"I'm not sure, there's got to be something we can do.." we sighed.

"We could just relax, I guess. I've been training a lot recently, more than usual. Like I said, it tiring sometimes" I looked down, I think I pushed myself to my limit a little too much. I can't believe I'm saying those words, but it's true.

"Sure!" He said as he scooped me up off my feet.

"Naruto!" I laughed. First time in...forever. The last time I laughed like this was when I was little. I smile, still laughing. "Naruto! Stop making me laugh, you're gonna get us caught!" He snickered.

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry!" He smiled. I cupped his face with my hand and we stopped walking and picked a spot to settle down. "Never knew you had this side to you Sasuke.." I shrugged.

"I didn't either.." We just sat there with each other for what seemed like hours...then the whistle blew. But it was quiet but sounded close. No one was near us, right? "What going on?"

"Someone found something,'s low and quiet" then we heard crying. Not of sadness..

"Sasuke?" Oh no...Naruto turned to me,

"Run" I did as told and ran as fast as I could.

"Sasuke!" No, no, no..Sakura. She saw me, Naruto's going to get in trouble. Shoot, this was a mistake. I should've never come.

(No POV)

Sasuke was devastated when he finally came to the decision not to see him again. But he knew it was for the best. Naruto had to deal with Sakura and her many, many questions. Kakashi still searched for the voice. He had heard nothing. Sakura had gone to check up on Naruto only to find Sasuke. So, someone was listening on there conversation. Not just Sakura. Someone who was suspicious for the start. The person who asks the stupid question. You guessed it, none other than Kabuto. The truth was that he had been her there the whole time. He had reported his suspicions to Orochimaru, he immediately put Kabuto on the case. When he went out he was following Sasuke from 7 feet behind him. He was undetectable. Sasuke was strong but not strong enough to spot the sound ninja which shows he's not strong enough to face Itachi yet. Kabuto knew this, also because of the way he was acting. He seemed to be in a more happy mood than usual, you can probably guess why. Once the sound ninja saw Naruto, he understood. He watched them and couldn't believe his eyes. "Lord Orochimaru...will hear about this."
YESH! Done! That totally didn't take me 2 days to write. Alrighty, hope you liked this chapter! ❤️
Word Count: 1031

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