Chapter 23

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Sooooo, I'm thinking that this story is coming to an end soon... (◞‸◟;) just a couple more chapters of the beloved SasuNaru fanfic. S A D  D A Y

The Next Morning...

(Naruto's POV)

When I woke up, I realized that Sasuke was missing. He wasn't in my house. I grew worried that maybe he went back into the forest. Looking back at our conversation last night there's no doubt. I panicked as I ran around the village. Please still be here..."Naruto!" Old man? The Ichiraku Ramen Shop was open, the place where i spend the most time. That's probably not a good thing but ramen's good! Wait- No. Don't think about that now Naruto, find Sasuke. "Would you like some ramen?" he asked. WHY ME? I had to walk over and suprise them with a 'no'. The look on their faces was priceless! But I've got more important matters to go about.

I ran into some friends along the way through my search. One being Sakura. She was heading over to the hospital to train even more with Grandma Tsunade, but I need some help. I explained to her the situation and she immediately wanted to help. Being a group we have close bonds. If any of us ever disappeared, we'd be extremely worried. We'd stop at nothing to find him. All the other teams would answer the same, or at least I hope so.

Me and Sakura continued to look around the area until the last thing we could resort to was his old home. Just before we stared to look there, a voice called from behind. "Naruto!" We turned to see Izumo running toward us.

"I'm sorry Izumo, we've got a case on our hands and-"

"It's Sasuke you're looking for, right?" He asked out of breath. How did he-?

"Do you know where he is?" I asked. He nodded. He told us that has his night shift was ending, he saw a figure in the corner of his eye walk through the entrance. He looked to see a man running away. He recognized the hair and sword that Sasuke had brought along, so he didn't question himself on who it was. We're greatful to have you Izumo. I can speak for Sakura when I say, this was bound to happen. I always knew that he would leave eventually, I just didn't know when. That's when I stopped in my tracks. Would if he left a note and I was too frantic to realize so. I told Sakura that I would check. If it was something about me not having to find him again, he knows that I'll probably at least try. I'll continue looking, even if it kills me.

I looked through the kitchen to find something. The fridge, the table, the couch. And that's when I found it on the small table in the bedroom. He was probably hoping I wouldn't find it. I took the note along with a deep breath. I opened it, and began to read,


As you can guess, I left the village. I'm sorry. I know you thought it was best that I stay but I couldn't.  Again, I'm sorry. If you must know, I didn't go back to Orochimaru. I left to somewhere no one will find me. That place being somewhere I do not know. I don't want to meet new people because they'll probably know who I am. I'm leaving for good. Until I'm sure I'm ready to fight my brother, I shall stay in hiding. I hope you understand. This has nothing to do about you or us, thought I'd let you know that. You can tell the rest of Team 7 about this if you wish, it doesn't bother me. Don't come looking for me. I'll maybe visit you when I'm ready but . . . that won't be for some time. Goodbye Naruto, I'm sorry you went through so much just for me to leave again. I love you.


I couldn't believe what I was reading. There were tears falling down my face and hitting the floor. He's really gone and I don't know when I'll see him again. Sasuke, you put to much pressure on yourself. You have to many thoughts swarming your head and you don't know a way to deal with them beside just running away. I understood what you were going through but now...I'm beginning to doubt myself.

Sakura came over with the thought that I had found something, which she was right of course. I told her about the note, she read it herself. She too was haertbroken that he left. "We're bacl at square one." she said as the tears that held her emotions inside for too long fall down at last. All those emotions she had bottled up inside of her were released. The emotions that had built up over the years. He's gone...

(Sasuke's POV)

As I traveled down the road, I couldn't stop thinking of my team. I thought about if they had found the note, if they were out to find me. If Naruto was blaming himself and leaving the village. Not even to go after me, having the same thoughts as I did. I don't want him to do that. He has too much to look forward to. I know he'll become Hokage. Not just because of his father, but because of who he is as a person. He's a leader. He know exactly what to do at any moment in time. He is someone you can look up to and not question a single one of his actions. He's the type of leader everyone needs. Someone who will watch over the village even in his sleep. The type of person...I don't deserve. The type of person I don't deserve to even be around. Naruto Uzumaki, the man who saved me from myself. And me, Sasuke Uchiha, who ended that dream of his. Of me ever returning and staying. I'm leaving for good and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me. I won't turn my back. I won't think about anything but getting stronger. No thoughts will cloud my mind on this journey. Never again.

ALSO- I was reading through this entire story last night and- man I have so many spelling errors! XD I've got work to do- T~T

Word Count: 1073

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