Chapter 15

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(Wattpad is still acting up! Well, at least I CAN write!)

The Next Morning...

(Naruto's POV)

A start the day by skipping training. There is something more important in my life. I head to the hospital, greeted by Sakura. "Good morning, Naruto! I assume you're here to see Sasuke?" Shes her usual peppy self.

"Yeah, is he doing alright?"

"We told you we'd tell you if something is wrong, don't worry. He's doing just fine!"

"Thats good to hear" I say.

"Oh, and Naruto...Hinata knew you'd be here and wanted to talk to you" Hinata?

"Oh, where is she?"

"She'll be here in a few minutes, I'll tell you when she comes. Now go see your man!" She shooed me off.

"Right, thanks Sakura!" I blushed a little at her comment. 'Your man', wow she sure likes us together. She doesn't even want us apart. I walk down the halls swarmed with peoples voices. I walk into one of the rooms which had a still sleeping Sasuke. I sat down on the chair next to him and took his hand. As soon as I did that his eyes fluttered open. They were back to normal. " you doing?" He sits up.

"Better..." he struggled to say. He body was stiff and he was moving slow. "How long have you been here?"

"Just got here...did they say when you could leave?" He nodded.

"Tomorrow. I just want to get out of this room..." he looks up like and idea just popped up. He scoots to the side of the bed and invites me to sit next to him. I did so and he leans against me. For once all was quiet. Not one noise had sprung out of thin air. If one did it's probably nothing good. But I'm not sure, I just have a feeling. Is that weird? Whatever, not something to worry about...

Anyway, Sasuke I laid there until visiting hours in the morning were over. He didn't want to talk he just wanted me there. I said my goodbyes to him, which he was not happy about, and left the room. As I walked down the hall I saw Hinata. Right, she wanted to talk to me. "Hey, Hinata!" I yelled over. She turned with a small blush on her cheeks and smiled.

"Hey N-Naruto.." she stuttered. That's always been with her that stutter..

"Sakura said you wanted to talk to me?" She nodded.

"C-come with me.." we walked out of the hospital and into the woods.
"I have a question..."

"Oh, sure. What is it?" I ask.

"You..and Sasuke. You're together right?" No stutter, this must be serious.


"And you're happy?" I nod.

"Yeah, I couldn't imagine a life without him"

"That's good...I wanted to tell you something that I've had on my mind since we were kids.."


"N-Naruto...I I always have. Don't worry! I'm not gonna try and split you up..I'm not like that. I'll be fine, as long as you're happy I'm happy!" Woah..

"Hinata...thank you" I hug her. "You're a good friend" she hugs back.

"I'll leave you alone now, have a good day Naruto.." she smiled and walked away. It's good to know she's not like Ino. Jeez, that blonde can't leave us alone. She apologized but...that's not enough. She HAS to learn to except...

I walk back home, thinking back on what Hinata had said. She liked me. That would explain how embarrassed she was around me. Huh, I really am oblivious.

(A/N oBlIvIaTe HaRrY PoTteR dId yOu puT youR NaMe in ThE GobLeT oF fIrE~ I'm sorry 😂)

Whatever. I plan to go visit Sasuke again later today. Visiting hours start again in about six hours so...I got some time to kill. The problem was, what to kill it with. You know, now that I think about it the hospital hours are strange. You can visit it the morning for a few, then they have be checked on. Then they come around again. Just on and off. Jeez, what a great way to pass the time. Talking to myself like a crazy person. Although, the last time I talked to myself I found Sasuke so...maybe I'll find something else? It could happen! You never know...

I saw Kiba, Shino, Akamaru, and Kurenai waiting at the entrance of Konoha. What are they up to? I ran over to them. "Hey guys! What up!" Kurenai smiled.

"Hello Naruto, have you seen Hinata?" She asked.

"Hinata? Yeah, I just talked to her not that long ago...I bet she'll be here any minute! Believe it!" Kiba laughed.

"Still saying that catchphrase?"

"You know it!" I laughed with him. Shino stayed quiet as he bent down and pet Akamaru. That dog was so big now. When I left Akamaru was still a pup, now he's almost the size of me. He could knock me over in an instant. Akamaru sat down in front of Shinso, enjoying the pets received. "I see we're not the only ones who grew up!" I say as I look back to Akamaru.

"Yup, Akamarus doing just fine isn't he..." Akamaru barked but stayed next to Shino. Did they develop some sort of bond? I heard footsteps behind me. It was Hinata.

"S-sorry I'm late!" She stuttered.

"Don't worry about it" Kurenai said calmly.

"Are we ready to go?" She asked. They nodded and left. They're are many things I'm confused about. 1. Why are Shinso and Akamaru so close? 2. Is Sasuke doing okay? And 3. Is Ichiraku ramen shop open? I walked around a bit to find the small shop and was closed. Man I'd kill for some ramen right about now. I have some at home but it's instant. I need the good stuff. Directly from from the old man and his daughter.

I'm growing impatient. The urge to see the Uchiha racing through my head. It's been six hours and they haven't opened up. I'm at the doors, waiting outside the hospital. I was sitting right next to it just hoping that the stupid doors would open. I look up at the sky. It was slowly getting darker. Come on! "Open the freaking doors!" I pounded my fist into the glass. My heart was pounding, something was wrong. I couldn't take it anymore and jumped up to his window. Hopefully no one saw me. Thankfully it was opened to let the cool air in. When I saw him, he was fidgeting with the blanket, hyperventilating, and sweating. I jumped inside in fear. I lifted him up and held him close. He opened his eyes. He was in pain. Couldn't feel. Couldn't see. I held his hand. He didn't move. He kept in the same spot he was. Don't tell me...this is the end..please. Please no...I can't loose more people. Too many.. "Stay with me! Dang it Sasuke, please!" He slowed his breathing and nodded..

"I-it's...okay...I won't..leave" he steadied and held my hand tighter. He's panicking. Something in his mind was triggered to set off an attack to his head. "I-I'm scared..." the sky got dim. He started breathing heavily. Then it hit me. The dark..he's scared of the dark. I put him on the bed and rushed over to turn on the light. As soon as that bright shade of yellow hit the room and went over to him.

"'s okay now. You're okay" I comfort him. He smiles and closes his eyes. His chest went up and down his a slow pattern. He was calmer..but he wasn't completely fine. I can't leave his side. Not ever. And I won't...

Sorry that took so long to update! I had a writers block 😅 and this just came to mind. I think it's pretty good if I do say so myself!

Word Count: 1327

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