Chapter 19

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(I tried to make have more SasuNaru and more funny! I hope I did o-o)

(Neji's POV)

The Same Day...

Kakashi, Sakura, and I headed out to the rest of the group. The mysterious man in black was being chased by Naruto, Sasuke, and Guy, but it could have been switched around. The man could be chasing them. I activated my Byakugan to search through the forest, seeing things no one else could. I saw the outline of four people who seemed to be on the ground. Which is strange....there were only four people. "Kakashi," I start.

"What is it?" he asked.

"There seems to be another enemie, they're just up ahead." he nods. We head over as fast as possible. When we arrived we saw that Sasuke and Naruto were fighting, the man in black on the ground...Sasuke and Naruto were fighting another enemie, Guy-Sensei was no where in sight. Naruto had noticed we arrived and signaled us to help.

"Where's Guy?" Kakashi shouted over the sounds of kunai-knives clashing. Sasuke had his sharigan activated and chidori ready to strike. Naruto stood back a little, almost like he knew Sasuke could handle it. Naruto turned to us and shrugged.

"This random dude popped up out of no where, he teleported Guy-Sensei to the middle of who knows what!" A strong blue light shown over the forest ground. Sasuke had succesfully hit the enemie, but the stranger was still ready to fight.

"Naruto! You're up!" He yelled. He nodded.

"The guy said he was close but if you went after him you'd be in serious danger." He ran to the enemie with a Rasengan and blasted the enemie into a tree.  They're acting like this is some sort of game. Taking turns like the guy's a punching bag.

"Why don't we look for Guy, I'm pretty sure Naruto and Sasuke can handle this themselves." Sakura stated. It was true, these two were sure to win eventually.

"Alright. Sasuke?!" I yelled over. He turned. "We're going after Guy, can you guys handle this?" He simply nodded and went back to fighting. We headed out near the mountains to see if there was any sign of my Sensei. The man who taught me teamwork and strength in a new way. He was quite the teacher, I don't think the village of Konoha would be the same without him.

(Sasukes POV)

Naruto and I had basically finished off the stranger but he just would not stand down. He's almost like Naruto, just when you think you've beaten him...he comes back ready for more. Except...Naruto was better in more ways than one. I'm not just saying that because I like him, he's strong, confident, intelligent...okay so not really intelligent, more like, smart in his own way. He's unique and never gives up. "Why won't you give up already!.." Naruto complained. "This is fun but, it's boring! Don't you have some secret move to kill us?" Naruto sat down and hung his head.

"Do think this is a game?" the man asked.

"Well..." Naruto smiled. "Maybe." The man sneered.

"My name is feared by all, I work under Orochimaru, why do act this way?"

"Pfft, feared by all? Then how come I've never heard of you?" Naruto laughed.

"He's got a point, I was with Orochimaru, never heard of you." I put in. Naruto laughed harder. This is quite boring. Honsetly, I'd rather hand out with Sakura than do this, which is saying something because I don't like her. It's a miracle I even came on this mission. "Give me a moment," I say. I get another chidori ready to strike. I blast it into his arm. He yelled in agony. "Done, lets go to the others." I pull up Naruto by his arm.

"Why couldn't I have the finale blow?" He whined.

"Stop being such a baby, there's bound to be more guys up ahead." I stopped and pet his head and talked to him as if he were a dog. "The you can beat up as many people as you want." I rolled my eyes. "Do you see what happens when I hang out with you too much?" I walked off.

"Hey! You like hanging out with me!" he yelled as he ran over.

"Sure I do..." I smile at him. He glares.

"I don't like you." He hung his head. I shrug.

"I know you don't, you love me." I look him straight in the eye. He has no way of winning. He then smiles. Oh no...

"Yup, I guess I do!" Then he does that stupid, dumb, signature smile he always does. Dang it...I'm blushing. Whatever!

"Shut up...let's look for the others." He laughs and we run off into the direction the others had went.

We heard talking up ahead, a large group of people. "Shut up! Kabuto will be here in a moment, if you talk I'll kill you!" Kabuto? Me and Naruto were hiding behind a bush and we peared through it. The missing people were scattered around the open floor. A man with a blade was at the top of a hill, watching over the people. We saw that there was another man, tied up to a rock. I tried to see if it was Guy but there was no way we could see without getting caught. Naruto whispered. "I think the others went off in the wrong direction, these people seem like the guys we just fought..we could take them on."

"True...but Kabuto is coming." I sigh. "He's going to be stronger than before, I think...we only beat him because he wanted us to escape. He wants me to feel pain..." I look down. That's exactly it...and I deserve it. I've betrayed both sides...not knowing which is good and which is bad. Why can't I understand what others do-

"WATCH OUT!" A kunai-knife flung through the bush and hit my shoulder. The sliver in my sleeve, slowly being covered in blood. It stung like it was poisoned...which it probably was. Naruto was a little far away from me. I was too caught up in my own thoughts to notice that he had arrived. Kabuto. He mocked me with his saying everytime I returned from the forest.

"Hey Sasuke, where have you been?"
HAHA! I finished a chapter in 4 minutes, now I have a Zoom meeting, CERAMICS AWAITS! Another chapter comes out today! BYE!

Word Count: 1085

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