Chapter 11

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!Hope y'all are doing well! ⭐️WHOLESOME CHAPTER⭐️
(I'm writing this while my family is over SO bare with me! I get distracted easily!)

The Same Morning...

(Sasuke's POV)

We were in the middle of the forest when we stopped for a break. We were at the place where the rest of the group had camp still set up. When we got there, I stayed close to Naruto. I didn't want to interact with anyone else. Even the rest of my teammates. Kakashi and Sakura. I couldn't talk to anyone but Naruto. But he would. He was the light of my life when my soul was full of darkness. We sat together, my arm hooked with his. He was talking with Sakura who stood in front of him while I just leaned against him, feeling comforted. "Sasuke?" Sakura spoke. I look at her. She hasn't changed either.


"You doin' okay? You've been quiet the whole time, not like it's anything new, but still" I shrug at her question. I wanted to say, "I just don't like talking to people" but I couldn't say that.

"He's still getting used to seeing everybody" Naruto. Naruto, I'm so great full to have you.

"Oh! I understand! Don't worry about it Sasuke" And she walked away.

"Thank you..." I whispered to him. He smiled and kissed my forehead. We stayed at the campsite for a few hours.

"Alright everyone, let's go" Kakashi ordered. So, we go. I look at everyone, seeing what's changed. Kakashi and Iruka were standing together. Gaara and Lee were standing together. Shikamaru and Temari as well. I nudge Naruto.

"What's with everyone?" I ask. Naruto looked at everyone.

"Oh! Kakashi and Iruka. They're together~" The two older shinobi turned their heads to us. Naruto ducked his head as Kakashi was about to slam him into the    ground. I laughed a little.

"Kakashi, I didn't know you and Iruka had a relationship" he nodded.

"Yeah, and I didn't know you and Naruto had a thing goin'" he smirked at me. Naruto laughed at how red I was. So, I did Kakashi a favor and smacked him.

"Sh-shut up.." I whispered. But he was still on the ground laughing.

"Oh yeah, Gaara and Lee have the same thing. I also believe Temari and Shikamaru?" Naruto shot up.

"I KNEW IT!" He took my hand and ran though the rest of Team Guy, Konkuro, and Sakura. Naruto started jumping up and down in front of Temari and Shikamaru. "I knew it! You guys ARE together!" Temari blushed. Shikamaru turned away while attempting to grab Temari's hand. He reached for it slowly but Temari quickly grabbed it.

"You're so lazy you even go to hold my hand slow" she snickered.

"Hey!" He yelled. I started to drag Naruto back to where we were.

"Awe..come on Sasuke! Things were just starting to get good..." he complained. This idiot...I pull him back to where Kakashi and Iruka were.

"So, how were things?" Iruka asked.

"Yup, they're together alright. But I have a feeling that Shikamaru's gonna be dead by tomorrow morning. Temari's got some temper" Naruto laughs They go along with him but I do nothing. I'm still am not comfortable with the fact that I'm around people who've been waiting for me for the  past three years. How are they okay with the fact that I came back. I've been training with their enemy, now mine too, but how is this okay? Are they suddenly back to normal? No one can change that quickly. I changed because of my brother. Naruto went from the sad, lonely boy to the most well known knucklehead ninja. Sakura, I think she just matured. She's not all over me like she was. Is Ino the same way? Whatever, I'll punch her to the moon if I have to. Shikamaru seems the same. Gaara is more lively. Kakashi, the same. Along with Iruka. Team Guy looks like they're one of the strongest teams now. But we all know that's not true. We clearly are. Team 7.

At Konoha...

Izumo stood up from his seat at the entrance back to the leaf. "You're back! Thank goodness you're all right!" Izumo came to us. And I...I was still at the entrance. I hadn't stepped through. I was stuck. I couldn't move. One more step and it all changes. The rogue ninja, 'Sasuke Uchhiha', had returned. Ugh, I couldn't bare with fact that everyone would be all over me with questions. I felt a sudden warmth on my hand. "Come on, we'll go together..." Naruto grabbed my hand and slowly walked backward. And I...I slowly took a step forward. One step. One step and a warm feeling came over me. The feeling of relief. I went close to Naruto.

"Don't leave my side...please" I whispered. He lifted my head up.

"Don't worry, I'll never leave your side" he kisses me on the forehead. We walked all the way to the Hokages office, getting looks from people along the way. Naruto held my hand throughout the whole way. When we opened the door to Tsunade her eyes widened.

"Sasuke?" She asked. I didn't speak.

"Yeah, he came back with me" Naruto said. She nodded.

"How did go? Did you run into Orochimaru?" Shikamaru stepped up.

"Naruto beat him and Kabuto is in no stable condition. However, they're still alive. It'll take awhile for them to recover. We don't have to worry about them for awhile"

"That's good. Naruto, I trust that you'll take care of Sasuke?" She stared at our hands. Naruto nodded.

"You can count on me"

**Time Skip A Few Hours**

I'm at Naruto's house. I've never really been inside before. It was small, dark, and most of all...lonely. It reminded me of myself I've the years. Living alone. No one to comfort me. No one to care about. But now, I have all of those things. Every single one. And to have all of them because I have Naruto. He completes the part of me that was lost.
Not as long as other chapters, sorry! Like I said, I get distracted! I mean, during writing this I was teaching my cousin how to play Overwatch 😂

Word Count: 1046

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