Chapter 8

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(^!!CUTE!!^ Gaara's eyes are so pretty! Credit: rock_lee_15 on Instagram!)

(New POV has arrived in this chapter! Lee!)

The Same Day...

(Lee's POV)

Hinata has burst through the doors with tears streaming from her eyes. She wasn't her usual shy self anymore. She had a mixture of fear and anger as she walked to Neji. "Is it true?" She leaned on her cousin.

"Lady Hinata, please calm down. You have no need to worry" he rubbed her shoulders to calm her. She slapped them away. Woah...

"How can I not worry? Naruto is gone! You know how this hurts me, don't you? How I feel? Take me with you..." she pleaded "take me!"

"I'm sorry..." she fell to the ground.

"Lee..." Gaara moves closer to me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm very confused at the moment, why is she like this?" He looked up at me with his pale blue eyes.

"Oh, Hinata has a crush on Naruto. She has deep feelings for him. Just like I do to you" he smiled. "So, this hits her hard since he's gone" he nods.

"So, if I ever would feel the same way?" I look at him and smile.

"I don't have to worry about that because I'll protect you!" I raised my voice a little out of pride. He chuckled.

"But how can you protect me if you don't even live in the same village as I?" Hmmm,

"I guess I'm moving the Sand Village!" I scoop him up off his feet and lucky me...Lady Hokage walked in. Gaara had his arms wrapped around my neck.

"Lee?! Put the Kazekage down!"

(A/N I snorted out my tea when I wrote that, 😂. I'm still laughing!)

"Lee, don't put the Kazekage down..." Gaara said. I blushed.

"Wha-, okay? The Lords orders I suppose...Whatever!" We laughed silently together. "Line up with your teams!" Gaara's face saddened.

"Guess you have to put me down after all..."

"Guess so, I'll do it again though!" I place him down and he ruffles my hair.

"I count on it..." he walks over to his siblings, Temari and Konkuro. I went to the rest of Team Guy, Tenten, Neji, and Guy-Sensei. Guy-Sensei nudges me in the shoulder.

"Kazekage eh?" He smirks along  with Tenten. I give him a glare and laugh it off. We all got in a line, Hinata stood off to the side. Sakura was the closest to her.

"Alright, it's time to leave. Has everyone gotten themselves situated?"

"Yes Ma'am!" We all say in unison.

"All righty then, get your little sorry butts out of here!" Woah, she's harsh. We all head out of the building, Hinata stayed back talking to Lady Tsunade. I feel bad, but she wasn't chosen to come. Sorry, Hinata.

When we passed the entrance of Konoha, Sakura took the lead to where they saw them last. Gaara and his brother and sister were near the front of the group. Team Guy was in the back. But, I saw a short, little red headed ninja come my way. I heard a yell from Temari, but it died down after a few seconds. "If I'm traveling with anyone, it's you" he linked his arm with mine and leaned his head on my shoulder. He's so precious..

(A/N YES HE IS! ❤️)

Hold up, "I remember me promising you something..."

"Huh?" I scoop him up once more. He crossed his arms and pouted.

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