Chapter 7

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(Chapter includes: New Ships, Seriousness, Me Yelling At Sakura, AND Me Making References 😂)
(Also, LONG CHAPTER and in this Gaara isn't taken by Deidara...sooo)

Same Night...

(New POV: Sakura's)

"Naruto, why was Sasuke here..." I questioned. I had gone to see how Naruto was doing, only to find someone dear to me who was lost so long ago. "Naruto.."

"I can explain.." he sat down, leaned on the tree as he did before. I was getting angry, more than usual.

"Then do it!" I yelled. I pace back and forth with my hands on my head, waiting for an answer.

"I...When I ran away, I thought I was alone. Little did I know, he was there. Watching me..." he smiled and stared at his hands "he came to me and we talked. Just talked...and I loved it. I love him. You should understand why I kept it a secret! He went rogue! How do you think that's gonna affect me when people find out that I'm searching for someone I've already found!" He lashed out. He stood and tears fell. He was heartbroken.

"Naruto...I told you you could tell us anything, but you lied!"

"Shut up! Sakura I did this for a reason! I'm going to have to fight him one day and I couldn't focus without know what he's doing! Now look at me! I've been training just fine, ever notice that? All of a sudden I'm just FINE! You know why? BECAUSE OF SASUKE! We will keep meeting each other in secret, and if you can't keep this info to yourself'll be sorry." He had a dark glare. What have I done...He wipes his tears and ran towards the direction...Sasuke went.

"Naruto..." I whispered. He's gone, he's not coming back. "It's my fault..." I put a hand over my mouth and dropped to the ground. I started to cry..

(A/N When don't you cry Sakura? Lol, I'm sorry! I'll let you get back to reading! ^_^)

The Next Day...

"Naruto still isn't back..." I had explained to Kakashi what had happened. Even though Naruto told me to keep quiet, I felt like I needed to tell Kakashi. Sorry Naruto, I'm betraying your trust. Me and Kakashi were at the entrance of Konoha. Iruka would be meeting us soon, he too is worried. He basically raised Naruto, so I would understand why he would be taking it hard. Speaking of Iruka, here he comes now. "Is..he back?" A tear fell when I shook my head.

"No.." Kakashi whispered as he walked over to the brown-haired shinobi. Kakashi hugged him to calm him down. Wait, WHAT? Iruka didn't move to hug back. He just stood there in silence.

"Izumo, are you sure you didn't see him?" The shinobi shook his head. More tears fell from Iruka's  brown eyes. Kakashi comforted Iruka more. "Thank you Kakashi..." he whispered.

"We need to get out there. Would if Orochimaru and Kabuto find him. What about Sasuke.." I rambled on and on.

"Sakura!" I snapped out of the trance I was trapped in with my thoughts.

"Sorry, I'm just worried out of my mind" I say. I truly was. I mean, how can I lie in a situation like this? Telling the truth is always good. At least, I believe so. What's the good in lying when the truth is bound to come out anyway, right? Like, what's the point huh? I try to lighten the mood a bit by asking something that's been in my mind since Iruka-Sensei showed up. "What's with you two anyway?" I snickered a little. They blushed and sighed.

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