Chapter 22

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The Same Night...

(Iruka's POV)

The quiet lasted a bit. We were both confused. So many things needed to be said, but nothing came. I tried looking for the right words, these were only ones I could find,

"I know this isn't easy for you." Hopefully that would start a conversation. Not a great one, but it's something.

"It's true...I have had so many things happen to me. It's hard to forget." He said. He was stressed. Just talking made him depressed. He doesn't want to cry, but he should. He needs to let it out. It's how I got through my pain. Crying, talking to someone, and thinking on the bright side. I tries to think of things that would calm him down, so I took his hand. He was startled for a minute, but then settled. "...thank you." he whispered.

"I'm here for you Kakashi, anything you need, I'm here." He moved over and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back.

(weird way to end the POV but . . . welp ¯\(⊙︿⊙)/¯)

(Sasuke's POV)

"Well? How you taking this in?" I asked Naruto as I sat down on his bed. He was in the bathroom washing up.

"It's complicated. I don't know whether to be angry or releived." He walked out and sat next to me. "I'm glad I know more about my parents but...would I didn't, ya know?"

"Yeah, I guess it is complicated." I wouldn't know how to feel in this situation either. I wish I knew what he was really thinking. I know he's tells the truth to me all the time but...when it comes to something this emotional, I'm not sure. I don't want to ask unless I get truly concerned. Meaning, he's crying and is blaming himself for everything. I've felt the feeling, I know it will happen. But seeing as he's always positive, it might have a slightly less chance of that ever happening. But I know Naruto. I know when he's hiding something. He smiles, but you can tell it's fake because the smile fades away in a flash. His usual bright self has dimmed. And...that's the exact look he has now...

I'm worried. God, I'm so worried. I start to panic. My breathing is shallow and I don't know what to do. He's the one who helps me when I feel like this, now it's my turn. I say nothing and just do what he does to me when I'm like this. I hug him. His eyes widen, he was confused on why I did this...that's when I saw a tear fall. "Tell me the truth." He said nothing and held my arm that was nearest to him.

"I-I'm scared..." he stuttered out. "I don't know how to feel and that scares me so much. I don't want to let anyone think differently of me because I'm 'the Hokages son'. I don't want people thinking I'm going to start looking down on people because I have a greater purpose. All I want is to protect the Village. Even If I don't become Hokage, I'll still prove myself." He's afraid people would start treating him worse?

"People aren't going to hate you. Sure, they'll probably say sorry for what they've done to you in the past . . . You know what, I'd say ask them why they're sorry. See if they really mean it."

"You're right . . . They'll just say sorry because of my father."

"Maybe, but you never know. Just keep doing what you're doing, keep proving yourself. I believe in you." I'm not used to this type of talk. Eh, I'm cringing at my own words.

(A/N: "Eh, I'm cringing at my own words." those may have been my exact thoughts while righting this lol)

"Thanks Sasuke...I needed that." He layed back and sighed. "Tomorrows another day..." It won't be a great one, I know that for sure. Ever since I came back to this village everythings been going wrong. I know if I don't Naruto that he'd tried to convince me that I belong here and village is nothing without me. But nothing can change my mind. Absolutely nothing. If I left the village...I wouldn't turn back, even if it were a matter a life or death. I couldn't go back to Orochimaru. I wouldn't want to anyway. I could just train on  my own, start over. I would like to do that with Naruto but I don't want him getting hurt. The things I've been through to get to this point are deadly. I've put my life at risk for training with that snake. I can't believe I would do such a thing. I made a stupid decision when I was young and I couldn't back out, I was too far in. I can't remember what could've possibly went through my mind when I decided to go with the Sound Ninja. "Hey, I'm gonna head to sleep." Naruto stood up in front of me. "You okay?" I looked up at him with a half smile and told a regretful lie.

"Never been better." My heart ached at my words. So much pain into lying to him.

"Well, if you need anything...let me know." He walked out of the bedroom to the living room. I was always worried that I was intruding, becoming a burden. Was it okay that I was staying here? I had only gone back home for the essentials. Maybe tomorrow I'll head out somewhere. Sort out my life. Everything we've been through the past couple of's all because I left Orochimaru and Kabuto. They're out to get me and I have no way of tracking them, I can only guess. I'd have to come up with some great excuse to get him to take me back, but I know Orochimaru. I've been with him long enough to know what he'll believe and what he won't. He isn't stupid, he's cautious. And I know that if he ever found me, he's get to Naruto before I could. I can't live with the fact that I'm putting someone elses life on the line. I need to leave and never come back.

That took FOREVER to finish. T~T thank u so much for 1k <3

Word Count: 1053

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