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"You like it?" I asked the little girl bouncing on her feet since we entered the shop.

"Hum!" She nodded excitedly as she took in the various clothes hung on the rows of racks.

"Then come here often. I'm sure Emma won't mind."

"Can I?" She asked, her eyes twinkling,  "can we?" She turned and asked again, looking at her sister expectantly.

"Cassie." Andie gave her a warning look.

"Why?" I raised my brow at Andie. She blushed a little before shaking her head.

"It's nothing. It's just that we don't usually go out much." She said.

"Why is that?" I frowned, "Is it your parents? I can talk to them if you want."

"I-n-no. It's not..." Andie trailed off. I was surprised to see her little face flushing as her eyes started to water.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly as I quickly bent down to match her height.

"Mom and Dad have gone far away. Mrs. and Andie said they're looking at me from here." Cassie said as she pointed to her chest.

I immediately understood and suddenly felt sad as I recalled my parents whose death I did not even grieve.

"Oh, Sweeties," I mumbled before pulling them both into my embrace. Andie stiffened slightly for a second before slumping into my arms as her little shoulders trembled.

"I miss them so much." She said in a hoarse voice making my eyes sting with tears.

"I know sweety, I know." I gently said while caressing her hair. Wolfs had a very sharp and retentive memory. We remembered almost everything from when we turned three as if it happened yesterday.

I turned towards Cassie only to meet with her confused yet clear gaze. She must have been very young and not have known her parents. I felt sad for her.

"You okay?" I smiled at her.

"Uh-huh..." She said, seeming as if in a daze.

"Good. Now come and hug little Andie over here and tell her not to worry. Mom and Dad are still here." I said, pointing at my chest.

"Uh-huh." Cassie nodded, "Don't worry Andie. Even if we can't see Mom and Dad, they're still here! And I'm here too! You can see me all the time! Let's wait for Mom and Dad together." She said as she hugged her sister tightly.

I smiled and hugged both of them while they were still hugging each other, pulling back only after I sensed Andie had calmed down.

"Thank you." She said with a light blush.

"Better?" I asked with a small smile.

"Hum!" She grinned a bit making me grin back.

"Awesome. Now let's get that dress Cassie wanted." I said before scooping them both into my arms making them cry out in surprise.

I chuckled as I spun around with them and they giggled. Thanks to my two lovely sisters, handling kids always came easy to me.

Evangeline...Avalon...I miss you guys...

I stopped in front of the children's section before putting them down and reaching for the lilac princess gown hanging on one of the racks.

"Is it this one?" I asked with a grin.

"Yes!" Cassie said excitedly.

"Try it on then." I smiled.

"Uh huh!" She jumped energetically before taking the dress from me and running to the changing room.

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