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My eyes slowly fluttered open and I let out a yawn. I shifted a bit to let out a stretch only to get obstructed by a weight on my waist. The tingles soon followed after. And then it came back to me.

Em's store. The girls. Blaze. Armin apologizing. And all that happened afterward. I turned to my left and met with a tight muscled chest clad in a white shirt.

A silly grin broke out across my face and I suddenly felt giddy.


I gazed up at him, studying his breathtaking features. "I've never seen him sleeping so soundly." I mused as I looked at his peacefully sleeping face. His long lashes lay gently on his face, fanned out in a beautiful arc while his lips were slightly pouted.

So cute...

I slowly brought my face closer to his, so close that I could see the tiny pores on his flawless bronze skin. When my face was an inch away from his, I slowly traced over his face with my fingers.

Sigh, what should I do...? He was too handsome...beautiful.

My fingers getting caught by a large warm hand snapped me out of my mesmerized daze. Hazel orbs stared right back at me from above.

"Dazed?" His deeply gruff voice asked.

Sigh, even his morning voice was beautiful.

"Uhn. You're too handsome." I muttered as I gazed into his.

"Really? I think you're too beautiful." He grinned. I smiled back at him before moving my face closer to his.

"Not as breathtaking as you."

"I doubt that."

I let loose a tiny grin before slowly bringing my lips closer to his. Just as I was about to kiss him, he flipped me off of him before straddling me.

"What are you doing?" He asked gruffly. His eyes were more pronounced than usual. I blushed in embarrassment while avoiding eye contact.

What were you thinking??!

"I-I-it's just..." I trailed off as I noticed the teasing glint in his eyes. I pouted in reply, loving how his eyes zeroed in on my lips before darkening.

"What do you think?" I muttered as I ran my hand through his lush silky black hair. He let out a pleasured sigh while moving his face into the crook of my neck and taking a large sniff.

We sniffed and cuddled against each other, taking in the comfort that came from having our soulmate near us.

I gasped loudly when he suddenly bit down on my neck right at the place where his mark would be. He ran his tongue over the place to soothe the stinging before sucking on it hard. I felt a mixture of pleasure and shock go down my body making me jerk. He used one arm to prop himself on top of me and the other held me down and stopped me from trashing.

"I-w-wha-t was th-that...?" I gasped. He growled in reply as he blew his breath on the spot and kissed it one last time before continuing his assault on my neck.

It will surely leave a hickey. I thought giddily.

I whimpered when he stopped giving my neck attention and just laid on my chest panting making him chuckle.

"Slowly Red. Slowly." He said as he looked up at me with his chin propped on my chest. I blushed as I lightly panted while looking at him. His eyes darkened and he let out a soft cuss. 

He looked at me for a second before moving to lay his forehead on mine, "slowly." He repeated as if trying to warn himself. It was at the tip of my tongue to say 'fuck slowly' but I pressed it back. 

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