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Okay, so this chapter is gonna be in Armin's POV. The chapter doesn't continue from the main storyline, it's all that happened from when Mira first showed up to date. But from his point of view. It won't be everything from the start but just some essential snippets.

[from the part when Mira crossed into BlueMoon borders.]

"You're going to start an entertainment agency?" Robin asked as he walked alongside me down the street.

"Yes, I am. For the last time, stop pestering me with the same question." I rolled my eyes.

"It's just surprising. I mean entertainment! Sure I don't mind watching all those shows humans make 'cause it is very catching sometimes but c'mon."

"Robin shut up. In fact, I'm putting you in charge of overseeing it."


"Then stop pestering me," I warned with a side glare.

Armin? You there? Emma's voice sounded in my head.

What is it?

Someone crossed the border. The northeast perimeter.

How gutsy. On it.

I ran speedily after that. I could've just alerted border patrol whom I was sure Emma was already contacting but something kept urging me to go and check it out myself. This was a feeling I never experienced so I sped there in curiosity.

"Armin? What the hell?" Robin's confused cry sounded but I was already halfway to the park gates. I shifted as soon as I went out of the gate and instantly saw a surprising sight. A she-wolf was lying on the floor with another wolf hovering above her. And he had his canines sank into her ankles.

A grow slipped out before I could stop it and I ran towards them before abruptly stopping. I sniffed the air before my eyes snapped toward the female lying on the floor. Gem blue eyes stared back at me in shock. My body went rigid as I gaped at her in bewilderment and shock. Royal was very still in my head as he gazed at her too.


He sounded as confused as I was. No, that couldn't be possible. How can I have a...ma—no!

Suddenly, she gasped snapping me out of my short reverie. Before the wolf could react, I pounced on him and slashed his throat before throwing him away. And then I went back to staring at her.

She was beautiful. Breathtaking even. Her eyes, her eyes were shining and shimmering. The blue of it was gemlike. And then there was her flowing red hair. It was the most dusk-like shade of hair I've ever seen. She was stunning and she was...

I shifted back and watched with hidden delight as she hungrily took in my features, watching as her eyes dropped lower before she suddenly flushed and averted her gaze. I could've sworn her heart skipped a beat.


Although I rolled my eyes at him, I tactically agreed by not refuting the comment. I also quietly stood and admired her for all the unique beauty that she had when her eyes suddenly widened in horror before she covered her body. The displeased growl slipped out before I could stop it. I didn't like it when she hid away from me. Just as I made a move towards her, Robin's shout sounded from behind me.

"Alpha...! What...happened? You... suddenly...shifted...and ran off." He panted with his hands on his knees.

"Rogue." I simply replied, "Why the hell are you panting like that?" I frowned.

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