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Ten years later...

"Mom! Dei is pulling my hair again!"

"Deitrain Michealson stop bullying your sister!"

"I didn't! She's lying!"

"I'm not!"

"Are too!"




"That's enough you two, you'll wake Aaliyah up."

"Brother! Catch me!"

I turned around just in time to see Leonora pouncing on Mikhail making him stumble.

"Be careful." He steadied her with his hands before looking up at me, "anything I can help you with?"

"Take the food out to the table please."


"I wanna help too!" Leo ran over and tugged at my skirt. Her eyes were the same shade of hazel as her father's. In fact, she was a little carbon copy of him. Armin adored her.

"You'll hurt yourself." I said, "but you can take out the cutleries. Can you reach the drawer.

"I can!" She ran towards it.

The twins were born six months after the war. I still remembered how shocked Armin was when he found out. He literally stared blankly at my stomach for a solid five minutes.

The morning sickness was harsh and my baby bump was especially big since I was carrying twins. Hazel was like a mother hen guarding me throughout the duration of my pregnancy. It was cute at first, but then turned annoying when he didn't even allow me to make tea for myself.

I had thrown a spoon at his head in reply and then cried for a solid hour in remorse and he had to keep coxing me throughout. He dealt with my haywire hormones and cravings like a pro.

There was once when I woke him at 3AM and told him I wanted to eat roasted duck. He had on such a bewildered expression I burst out laughing and then when he smiled, I attacked him and asked whether he thought I was a joke.

That floored him once again.

Poor guy had to find a restaurant that was selling roasted duck and was still open at 3AM while trying to soothe me, saying he didn't think I was a joke and that he loved me.

He had it rough.

When the twins came into the world, Armin was a sobbing mess. He was even more emotional than I was. I suspected he was glad the rollercoaster ride was over.

When he held our daughter, Leonora, for the first time, he just stared at her before bursting into tears again. When Emma and the others saw him, they teased him saying maybe he got pregnant instead with the way he was crying all over the place.

Our son, Deitrian, was a mini-me. His hair, eyes and even his facial features were exactly like mine. He was a very naughty child, especially during their toddler age.

When the twins were six, I gave birth to our fourth child, Arian. His features were exactly like Daniel's, Armin's grandfather. The same blonde hair and brown eyes, Hazel said even their voice sounded somewhat similar, everyone adored him.

Unlike Dei's mischievousness, Arian was a quiet and introverted child. Although he turned extroverted whenever all the kids gathered.

Our last child was a girl named Aaliyah. She was only four this year and she looked a bit like both me and Hazel with red hair and hazel eyes. I wasn't bragging but all my kids are absolutely gorgeous.

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