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My eyes snapped open and I quickly sat up as cold sweat poured down my nape.

Camille just now...?

Yeah, I saw. Was that Lucifer?

I don't know, probably. His imaging was always vague even when he fought with Siv. But he gives me a terrible feeling.

He's the one who killed Sividus' family.

What does he want with him?

His eyes...the way he looked at Sividus...he's obsessed with him.

That's just wrong. Isn't he supposed to hate him? He's his counterpart after all.

Yeah but you know how Siv is. Instead of being his opposition...

He became his strongest ally. I get it now. Esmeray made his bloodlust fade so she was in the way. He had to get rid of her to have Siv continue rampaging.

He said Siv was beautiful. He's obsessed with how murderous he got whenever he lost it. It satisfied a kind of perverseness in him.

You saw the way he treated him when they fought. It was a sort of adoration mixed with sado-masochism. He loved that someone good meant to counter him turned into a man who could stand equal to him in the darkness.

Actually, he probably feels familial whenever he sees Siv right?

That might just be right, in a twisted sense. Though a family member that only wishes to see you in agony is a bit...

That's what makes him the devil I guess. Even his care is terrible.

What I'm really confused about is how Siv blamed wolves instead of him.

That's probably because their existence balance each other out. The Will of the World must be preventing them from killing each other. Didn't you hear what he said before?

...he said Sividus might actually go against the Will of the World and kill him.


He needed somewhere to vent the hatred in his heart and since he couldn't take it out on the main culprit, he took the second best thing.


Yeah. But from Sividus' thoughts that I heard, he said Lucifer was the beginning of his blackening. Does that mean he knew him since before he came to earth? When was that?

The only time he spent away from here was when he stayed with the goddess.

He knew him since from that long? I asked in shock. What the hell happened back then exactly?

I have no idea. Probably—

"...ne! Mirajane!"

"Huh?" I looked at Armin crouching in front of me with a worried gaze as his hands cradled my cheeks.

"Don't 'huh' me, seriously. Are you okay?" He frowned.

That was when I noticed Sividus and Esmeray staring at me in worry. Looking at the two of them side by side, their image overlapped with that in the one from the memories I witnessed.

They really looked alike. Quillin and Esmeray.

"I'm okay." I smiled apologetically, "just got lost talking to Camille."

"Is everything alright?" Sividus sat beside me and held my hands.

"Yeah, we were just discussing something we saw in your memories." I leaned into him, "she looks like her." I whispered and he stiffened.

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