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When I came through, I was a bit dizzy and disorientated. I was lying on a huge king-sized bed with black sheets.

I became cautious as I sat up slowly and looked around the room. Confused, I sniffed the air to see whether I could catch a scent and I did. The most intoxicating scent I've ever had the pleasure of sniffing.

My body instantly relaxed but when the memories of what happened before I passed out came crashing back, I sucked in a large breath.

Two things dominated my mind; one, what ever exactly happened to my siblings? And two...

Oh my goddess I found my mate!!!

Sniffing the air again, I hummed in satisfaction as the scent of my mate drifted into my nostrils. I laid back down and sunk into the comfortable bed.


I'm here.

The presence of our brother and sisters, doesn't it feel fainter?

Uhuh, it does...what happened to them?

I don't know...but let's not worry. Nick and Ricco are there so I'm sure they're fine.

Yeah. You're right.  Camille sighed and we went silent for a bit. Each of us enjoying the scent of our mate no doubt. When I recalled how he had been seizing me up and down when I was naked on the floor, my face flushed in embarrassment.

He looked sooo tall towering over us like that. I would've—

Goddess help me! Camille! What is wrong with you?! I shouted in exasperation as my face grew hotter.

What? I have a right to say that. The stupid wolf grinned.

Well, say it to yourself then! Don't go around spreading those kinds of pictures in my head!!  I exclaimed.

Prude! She huffed but I ignored her,  And the hell kind of sense of direction was that? If mate hadn't found us, goddess knows what would have happened!

Oh shut up. Yes, something would've happened. But it's because I knew our mate was gonna show up, that's why I went there.

What do I look like to you? An idiot? Your sense of direction was crap. As usual.

Well, my crap sense of direction found our mate, I don't see your observation skills doing that.

See, you said it yourself! Your sense of direction is crap! How can both your observation skills and sense of direction be off??

I don't feel the need to answer that. I simply said as I looked around my mate's room.

The ceiling was high and white with a crystal chandelier at the center. The bed seemed to be on an elevated platform with two oak-brown bedside drawers on either side. To the right was a living area with three sets of comfortable-looking coffee brown couches and two black love seats. A center table was placed in the middle of the couches.

The set of couches faced away from me and looked towards a huge flat-screen TV with two large floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the forest on either side of it. Beside it was a glass door with transparent curtains leading to the balcony.

To my right were two white doors leading to a bathroom and maybe a closet. The walls were bare and white with intricate black designs at the bottom, top, and edges whilst the floor was wooden and shiny.

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