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Third Person's POV.

"Hello, Jane." Milliana, no, she should be called Celimine now, smiled at the shocked female in front of her.

"You're alive?" Mirajane took sharp steps forward.

"Mm, I'm sorry for worrying you." Celemine took her into her arms.

Mirajane hugged her tightly and breathed in the familiar and unfamiliar scent at the same time. "How?" She mumbled into her mother's bosom, "what about Dad?"

"He's fine." Celimine ran her hands through Mirajane's hair, "Cain."

A golden glow appeared beside them before fading away to reveal Alexander. But instead of his black locks, his hair was a sparkling gold, just like the sun. 

"Dad!" Mirajane cried out as she jumped into his arms. The tears finally poured down her face at the sight of him. Her parents were alive, she didn't know how but they were.

"Mira." Cain hugged her tightly. The feeling of holding his daughter once again brought immense relief to him. He thought he would never get to do that again after they left earth.

The three hugged tightly for a long while before pulling back. Celimine's eyes dropped to Mirajane's abdomen before widening in shocked surprise. Her eyes met Cain and they saw the shock in each other's gaze.

When they saw their daughter's beaming expression, they concluded she didn't know. Before Celimine could say anything, Mirajane spoke up.

"What's going on? Where am I?" She asked them the questions plaguing her mind.

"It's a long story. You're currently in the heavenly capital, or should I call it Elysium?" Celimine replied.

"You two...?" She said, it was then she noticed how differently they looked and were dressed.

"How do I make this less shocking to you?" Celimine said, "I'm not Milliana."

Mirajane turned pale as confusion spread across her face. Was this what they called springing from Heaven to hell? The mother she thought was alive wasn't actually her mother?

"Celimine." Cain said in reproach, "Mira, she's Milliana and she's not at the same time. Our real identities are different."


"I'm Celimine, the moon goddess. He's Cain, the sun god."

Mirajane's mind turned blank. Her parents were...gods...? She couldn't quite comprehend it. What were gods doing in the mortal realm? What happened to the real Alexander and Milliana? If her mother was the moon goddess, that meant she had a sort of feud with Sividus. What connection was there between Quillin and Esmeray? So many questions twisted and turned in her head.

"Then...am I...are we your children...?" She asked in trepidation. She didn't want to hear a negative answer. She wanted them to say yes and thankfully, they did.

"You are. You, Dominick, Evangeline and Avalon are all our kids." Cain's eyes softened as he caressed her cheek affectionately.

Ever since he came into existence at the same time as the universe did, he only cared about his own mate. He never thought he could one day have children of his own and experience the feeling of being a father.

"That's good." She placed her forehead on his shoulder and sighed in relief.

"Then why did you come to earth?" She asked after a while.

"Well, after the last supernatural war, Jude; that's what we call fate—"

"Fate is a person!?" Mirajane exclaimed in shock.

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