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"Dad." Armin called as soon as we caught sight of Deimos. Beside him were Jayden and Fiona and they both had severe looks on their faces.

He looked over at us in surprise, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked haggard. "You're back."

"How's Mikhail?" I asked.

"He's till being tended to." He said.

I clenched my hands tightly and tried to calm my wildly beating heart. As soon as Robin broke the news to us, Armin quickly left some short instructions to him before teleporting us directly to the pack hospital.

We searched around for a while before we found Deimos in the west wing of the hospital. It was during moments like these that I felt that having the ability to teleport through long distanced was a very handy power.

"What..." Armin breathed out, "what the hell exactly happened? How are Mother and Emma?" He gritted.

"They're both fine, just some abrasions and slight burns. They'll get better in a few days." Jayden said.

"According to Emma, the explosion came too suddenly and they had no time to prepare at all. As soon as the car exploded, they immediately put a protective shield after getting over their shock. As Mikhail was sitting in the back, by the time the shield came to him, he was already seriously injured." Deimos said as he clenched his teeth.

"How was he when they came in?" I said shakily. The image of his little body all bruised and bloodied made my heart squeeze tightly in pain and I suddenly found it hard to breathe.

He must had been in a lot of pain...

"...he didn't look so good. Andrea performed emergency treatment on him using healing spells but it only managed to get his life out of danger." Fiona said, "we don't know how's he's doing currently."

"Damn it!" Armin growled, "what about MKS? Are there any causltiez?"

"No, thankfully no." Deimos said, "it was after hours so the building was empty. Apart from the properties around the building getting damaged, there isn't anything serious. I already contacted Sawyer and told him to settle the issue and compensate the owners."

"The only problem is the media. The police also want to investigate so I could only cooperate with them." Jayden added, "I just came back a few minutes ago."

"What was the result of the investigation?" I asked.

"They found gunpowder around the staircase." He said coldly.

"It was deliberate?" Armin said, "who'll dare do something as foolish as putting gunpowder in someone else's building in this law regulated era?"

"Not any human that was for sure." I said.

"I think we all know who is insane enough to do that." Fiona said, "should we be thankful he didn't do that during working hours?" She added dryly.

If he really did that, it would be disastrous that was for sure. But then again, he couldn't have done what he did without inside help, no matter how stealth he was, there were wolfs in the building and half of the security consisted of pack warriors.

"Looks like we need to comb through the members." Armin said darkly, "at such a sensitive period, having a mole is akin to serving ourselves up on a silver platters. Get Harvey to take care of it."

"I'll let him know." Deimos nodded.

"Where are Rea and Emma?" I asked.

"I'll take you there." Fiona said before leading us to the double ward where they were staying.

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