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Bold: wolf talking to their human part.

Slanted: thoughts or human part talking to their wolf part.

Bold and slanted: mindlinking.


"Mira, help!" Avalon's cries were the first thing I heard as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom. My head snapped in the direction of her voice only to see a guard tugging roughly at her hair. The guy looked up at me and gave me a cocky smirk.

Must be new...the bastard thinks we are all defenseless little princesses. Camille, my wolf, snorted in my head making me smile a little.

His mistake. I said and without missing a beat sped towards him and punched him hard, sending him to the floor before turning to Avalon.

"You okay sweety?" I asked whilst tugging her into my embrace and hugging her tightly. I felt her shudder but she still nodded her head anyway.

Avalon was the youngest amongst the four of us. She just turned fourteen so she didn't have enough time to train before that excuse of an uncle ki-

Okay tiger, let's not finish that thought yeah?

"Mira, I'm scared...and worried about Dominick, he's not back yet," Evangeline said coming towards us from the balcony.

"I'm sure Nick is fine." I reassured pulling her into the hug, "And you've got me to protect you so don't worry okay?"

Just then, I felt the presence of the guard behind us so I loosened my grip on my sisters and swiftly turned around and sent a punch to his gut making him double over. Without waiting for him to recover, I sent a roundhouse kick to his jaw which sent him flying to the floor once again.

I looked down at the guard who was now lying flat on his back while holding onto his probably dislocated jaw. He looked up at me with shock, anger, and humiliation.

The idiot probably thought we were weak... Camille huffed if wolves could even do that.

Again, his mistake.

"You must be new here so I'm guessing you don't know the rules of this place," I said flatly looking at him.

"What rules? You're Lord Cullen's prisoners and I'm a guard. I just thought of disciplining you a bit princess." The idiot said with a glare.

I rolled my eyes before glaring down at him. "Listen here mutt, if you even dare to think about stepping foot into our quarters again, so help me goddess I'll personally eliminate any chance of you having children," I said, coldly staring at him while moving my foot pretty close to his family jewels. I made sure my voice blended with Camille's and my eyes were pitch black.

The guard's face turned pale and he stared at me slacked jawed with his eyes wide. My sisters always say that my pitch-black eyes looked creepily like two gaping black holes.

He must be terrified. Camille said sounding very smug.

We did just threaten to forcefully make him an eunuch.

The guard hurriedly got to his feet, stumbling in the process, before beelining for the door like his butt was on fire.

"You okay?" I asked Avalon once again and she smiled up at me.

"I'm fine Sis."


"Yeah...thanks." She muttered making me roll my eyes.

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