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"And so, everything is as before. There's no movement from the pack." Julien said.

We were currently in the western training grounds along with Blaze and Alec. Adam and the others were coming over over today so we were waiting for them, we would start their training immediately after they settled down.

"What about those that keep visiting the packs that already submitted? Anything suspicious about them?" I asked.

"Not really. They don't stay for too long." He said, "if there's anything that's weird is that they stopped capturing sacrifices."

Armin and I shared a look. Sacrifices were the fuel that ignited black magic, for them to stop capturing some made no sense at all.

"Does that mean they got enough?" Alec said hesitantly.

"Who knows? They are now just pouring all their manpower into building that tower thingy in the pack."

I didn't know why but ever since I heard about this tower, it invoked a bad feeling in me. Especially after Emma said towers were used to sacrifice a large number of people and connect the underworld with the realm of the living.

Them not capturing sacrifices could only mean they had enough to continue their plans. Which means...

"Are they building the same towers anywhere else? Specifically around the packs they keep visiting?" Armin asked.

"You think so too?" I looked at him.

"It's the only logical explanation. They can only stop if they have a large number of sacrifices and the towers are used to sacrifice a large amount of lives." He frowned tightly. If that was really the case, then it would be too disastrous.

"Well?" I looked at Julien in trepidation.

"No, they aren't building towers anywhere. We scouted round their allied packs and there was nothing strange." He shook his head making us sigh in relief.

"That's good. As long as they're not harming the packs, it'll be a relief." Blaze said.

"That concludes the end of my report." Julian bowed.

"Thank you Julien. If that's all, you can go back." I nodded at him.

"Thank you." He bowed once again before walking away with an urgent spring to his steps.

"He's worried about Duke." Blaze pointed out.

"He feels guilty that's why." Alec propped his chin against his knee.

"He's too anxious, there's no way it's only guilt he's feeling." I mused.

"You think he's gaining interest." Alec looked at me curiously.

"Interest in what?" Blaze asked.

"Ah you don't know right? Duke is into him." He replied.

"Huh?" Blaze had a befuddled look on his face, "so he's...? I never would've guessed. So are they in a relationship? What about their mates?"

"Are you dumb? How can they be in a relationship when it's only one sided?" Alec snorted.

"Not anymore it isn't." Armin stood up and stretched, "enough chitchatting, continue training."

They stood up slowly before moving to the center of the field and starting on their training. Their abilities really were innate because in just a few days, they were able to manifest all the sub-abilities within their main ones.

Alec's main abilities were Wind and Rain, his sub-abilities were creating thunderstorms, tornadoes and gales. He could manipulate them to his advantage and attack, anyways, the wind was a very powerful element so there were lot of methods to fight with it. He was now polishing up these methods.

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