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[These are the kinds of robes they dress in...dunno how you all picture it tho.]


"When is he coming back? It's almost the dawn of my birthday." Esmeray whined as she rolled around on the couch.

Seeing such a big lady like her acting so childish, Jerome could only avert his eyes in secondhand embarrassment while attributing her actions to missing her mate.

"He already said he'll be here before then, I'm sure he'll come." Jerome replied, "so can you please stop rolling around like a child? It's disturbing."

"Like a child? Disturbing? But I'm still a cute little girl." She pouted and blinked cutely at him.

Jerome gave her a 'what the hell' look before saying, "if you push your mouth and blink like that again, I will throw this pillow at your face."

She laughed mischievously before doing it again. That earned her a pillow smack to the face.

"Are you seriously not going to bed?" He asked.

"I'm going to wait for him." She replied.

"Well I am, I can't keep my eyes open any longer. Good night." Jerome stood up and stretched.

"You're not going to stay with me?" She pouted.

"And be a third wheel? No thanks."

"What third wheel? How embarrassing." She covered her flaming cheeks demurely.

After looking at her like a person in need of mental help, Jerome made his way to his room, closing the door with a soft click.

Esmeray laid down on the couch and stared up at the ceiling with a blush on her face. As the ticking clock moved with the passing time, her heart beat faster in anticipation.

They were going to meet again, properly as each other's other half. There would be no more ambiguity between them and everything would be crystal clear. She remembered his embrace and scent, his looks, his breathtaking crimson orbs, his rigid and uptight, yet gentle manner of speech, his deep mellow baritone and his rare smiles.

When I come back, you will be mine.

"Kyaaaaa!" She giggled as she rolled around in the couch, "how can he say such words with that somber expression? How embarrassing."

With a shy expression and red cheeks, she thought about what to do when he came back, what to say first and how to act around him. When Sividus came back and appeared in the living room, this was the sight he saw first.

His eyes softened and a small smile graced the corner of his mouth. He walked closer to her and leaned down to stare at her face, "what are you doing?"

"Ahhh! Ghost!!"

"..." he was absolutely certain there wasn't a ghost as good looking as he was.

"Oh, Ic. I thought you were a ghost." She patted her chest, looking all relieved.

"...a ghost, seriously? Have you ever seen one as beautiful as me?" He deadpanned.


"What were you doing?" He sat down beside her and smiled.

"Hum? Thinking of you..." she said dazedly before blushing in embarrassment, "you're coming back! Yes, I was thinking of when you're coming back!"

"Why do you look relieved to have found an excuse to give me?" He raised a brow.

"Nonsense I do not. You're seeing things."

"I am?"

"You are."

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