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It had been five days since Alec and Blaze woke up. Initially, everything was okay; nothing much changed with them. It was two days ago that their powers suddenly manifested.

We were all sitting in the backyard and chatting when suddenly, a scary looking storm hit without warning. As if that wasn't weird enough, the wind that accompanied the storm blew so harshly it uprooted a lot of trees in the manor.

Before we could all get over our shock, a crack of lightning stroke the pack startling a lot of people. It was a few minutes later that Oriana mindlinked us all through the pack connection and said Blaze was just struck by lightning; and he was still standing unscathed.

That was when we realised it was their powers manifesting themselves. According to Emma, Alec was the Famillia of Wind and Rain while Blaze was that of Fire and Lightning.

Like the names implied, they were able to control fire and lightning and wind and rain respectively. This was not only limited to the four mentioned but also all other elements relating to the two.

That was to say, in the case of Alec, he could control tornadoes and summon thunderstorms. As for Blaze, he could manipulate lightening and could even use sunlight to create fire; pretty cool stuff.

Emma said the scale of their attack and control could be sharpened with time. "Imagine if Blaze could control lightening well enough to have it strike at more than a hundred people in a go; isn't that just too much of a cheat?"

Her words had lit a fire within all of us because it really was a huge cheat. If they both were able to master their abilities to perfection, there would only be advantages. And so, we were now in the western side of the pack where the obstacle course was built.

Armin had shrunk the size of the course to create space for Alec and Blaze to practice. It was just him and I today unlike yesterday when the entire pack was curious about their powers.

It seemed that seeing the two trying hard to master their powers boosted everyone's morale because today, a lot of the members were in the training grounds before seven in the morning. Even Avalon went and joined in on the bustle.

Ricco and Eva were currently sticking to each other since her eighteenth birthday was in a few days. She never mentioned it but I could tell she was nervous. Nick had gone to help out with training the pack warriors, he said he would teach them the exact way the army fought and then how to counter them.

Rea and Fiona were pouring through the list of spells they got from their former coven and trying to master as much as possible. Gran wanted to help out with something but Armin insisted she just rest, if she wanted to do something, she should look after Mikhail.

Although she never said anything, we could all tell through our bond that she was getting tired and her life force was ebbing away slowly. It was great enough that she was able to hold on for this long after her mate's passing.

Even though we were all worried, at the end of the day, we just tried to act as normal with her as possible and try to give her as much free time as possible. Just to create a sense of normalcy for her; nobody wanted to constantly be reminded about their upcoming passing. That would be too harsh.

Deimos and Jayden were handling all matters relating to MKS while Emma was looking up how to best help Alec and Blaze master their powers as quickly as possible. And at the same time, trying to figure out what my own powers would be.

Harvey and Evan were of course handling the pack together with Armin and I, not that him and I were doing much. Ever since Emma said the appearance of my powers might be even more flashier than Blaze and Alec's, Armin was stuck to me all day because he was scared it would be dangerous.

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