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Third person's POV.

Warlocks and witches formed the habit of calling werewolves 'dogs on steroids' and the vampirs 'blood sucking parasites.' Well, they indeed lived up to those offensive names.

Ever since they recovered from the gas, it was as if they were high on opium and adrenaline because their speed and fighting prowess increased by a tenfold. The battlefields soon became filled with sounds of cries of agony and the scent of blood.

Wolves lunged and tore throats out; vampires punctured arteries and drained blood entirely from bodies. It was now turn for the magicians to experience a drop in their numbers.

Nick's commando team had successfully wiped out five of the storage units of the magicians. As night was approaching, it was likely everyone would retreat to rest and regroup; the number of the dead would be determined and energy would be replenished.

Thanks to their actions though, the energy and healing potions definitely wouldn't go round.

"Let's rest for now, we'll attack the remaining storages when they've retreated and are too drained to guard against sneak attacks." Nick said.

"According to the map, there are fourteen more tents to go." Ricco said as he looked at the paper he was holding.

"We'll split up and have one group head towards the ones around their encampment and one make their way to the ones leading to the capital." Angus traced a path on the map.

"We can complete our task as we go." Nick nodded, "I like it. Peter, you're in charge; you'll lead all of them towards the first path. Angus, Ricco and I will head to the capital."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Peter bowed.

"Great, let's set up a small camp."

After sending a great amount of her soul power to counter the effects of the gas, Mirajane sat in a meditating position and panted heavily, who knew distributing soul powers was even more straining than physical exercise?

"Are you okay?" Alec squatted beside her and used his hand to wipe away the sweat on her forehead. The others all circled around her and stared in anxious worry.

"Yeah..." she breathed out heavily, "I just can't feel my legs."

Her eyes suddenly looked behind her almost at the same time as Armin's figure appeared suddenly. He hurried to her side  and knelt on one knee beside her before reaching out and caressing her cheek.

"Are you okay?" He frowned.

"Mm, just drained." She leaned into his touch, her pale face beaming softly.

He pulled her into his arms and held her chin before lowering his head and placing his mouth on hers. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and she blinked in surprise at his abrupt actions when she suddenly felt a cooling heat spreading from her abdomen.

And then it was as if her soul was being rejuvenated as strength flowed into her. He pulled back just as suddenly as he kissed her, nodding in satisfaction when he saw her face was no longer pale.

"Don't do such dangerous things again." He warned her softly.

"It was necessary." She leaned forward and hugged him.

"Don't do it again." He repeated while petting her hair.


He stood up together with her and kissed her forehead before saying, "I better go back."

"Yeah, be careful."

"I will."

He looked at Quillin who was a few feet away from them and smiled lightly before disappearing.

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